Public Affairs
Public Affairs
2021 States and Nation Policy Summit Media Policy
ALEC Media Policy 2021 States and Nation Policy Summit ALEC provides social, traditional and online journalists with the data, tools and analysis needed to accurately cover stories involving state legislatures.
State Intelligence Digest 2/25
From the Membership and Engagement Team at ALEC, this week’s breakdown of top stories and policy action. While not an exhaustive list of current events, we hope this glimpse into…
State Intelligence Digest 2/11
From the Membership and Engagement Team at ALEC, this week’s breakdown of top stories and policy action. While not an exhaustive list of current events, we hope this glimpse into…
State Intelligence Digest
From the Membership and Engagement Team at ALEC, this week’s breakdown of top stories and policy action. While not an exhaustive list of current events, we hope this glimpse into…
Retraction: Louisiana Senator Gary Smith
On May 12, 2020 (updated and rereleased on July 28, 2020), the American Legislative Exchange Council published a legislator letter opposing a federal bailout of states entitled “State Leaders…
ALEC Rejects Common Cause Corporate Intimidation
Karen Hobert Flynn Chief Executive Officer Common Cause 805 15th Street NW, 8th Floor Washington, DC 20005 Dear Karen: I write in response to your letter…
Meet The Press – April 19, 2020
On the April 19, 2020 broadcast of Meet the Press, Chuck Todd’s opening comments incorrectly implicated ALEC in supporting “re-open” protests Meet the Press later issued a retraction on Twitter:…
Williams: What’s Next for Arizona Taxpayers?
Fresh off a decisive re-election win, Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey, and his allies in the state legislature have some big decisions to make about what’s next for the hardworking taxpayers…
States Will Continue to Lead the Way and Provide Real Solutions
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Anna Tarnawski 973-879-2273 States Will Continue to Lead the Way and Provide Real Solutions Arlington, VA (November 09, 2018)—During the 2018…
Shelby Emmett on Putting America First & Promoting Free Speech
Shelby Emmett, Director for the Center to Protect Free Speech at ALEC, discussed putting America first and promoting free speech on the radio show Stacy On the Right. Listen to…
ALEC on Annual Meeting Speaker David Horowitz
Common Cause and Documented Investigations (an offshoot of the Center for Media and Democracy) have launched a corporate pressure campaign with the news that Verizon had ended its ALEC membership.
ALEC Speaker Identification and Engagement Statement
The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), the nation’s largest and oldest voluntary membership organization of state legislators, recently hosted nearly 1,500 state legislators and stakeholders at the 45th ALEC Annual…
High tax refugees flock to cheaper Republican states
Susan Button doesn’t call herself a tax refugee but that is precisely what this mother of four was when she…
ALEC Statement in Support of FCC Chairman Pai
Since the Federal Communications Commission recently released its draft revision of the 2015 Open Internet Order, sometimes referred to as “net neutrality,” progressive activists have attacked Chairman Pai, his ethnicity…
Employees Increasingly Saying ‘No’ to Unions
In a recent secret-ballot election in Canton, Mississippi, Nissan employees overwhelmingly voted to maintain their current relationship with Nissan and avoid union control. The vote held in early August tallied…
Blocking economic empowerment: It takes 6 years to get an Interior Design license from some states
When one thinks of occupational licensing boards, a number of images may come to mind: white coated medical students working long intern hours, over-taxed law students hunched over bar prep…
Trade Is Key Driver of Economic Success. Please Don’t Undermine It.
Americans are accustomed to taking a lot of things for granted. One of those things is trade. Americans expect to access a wide selection of goods from other countries. We…
Parents Frustrated That State Income Taxes Don’t Cover School Supplies
The stock market may be doing well, but that does not mean families are having the best year ever. Take, for instance, the families of Colorado, where many lower income…
State legislatures making progress on major issues that are still stuck in Congress
State legislatures around the country have made significant progress passing bills on issues such as immigration, policing and healthcare, even as Republicans in Congress and President Trump have struggled to…
Americans need tax cuts, plain and simple
It has been more than 30 years since Washington fundamentally redesigned the federal tax code. The great Ronald Reagan was president, and according to the seminal book on the 1986…