How the Obama administration tried to use bureaucrats to crack down on free speech
During the May 18 meeting of the Federal Communications Commission, several protestors outside the building held signs encouraging the government to ban the Drudge Report and Breitbart.
Some of the protest organizers were upset with the signs encouraging the blocking of these conservative news organizations. Regardless of whether the anti-free speech protesters were affiliated with those supporting the government take-over of the internet, the protestors highlight efforts under the Obama administration to curtail online political speech.
Efforts to curtail online political speech were not limited to one federal commission or agency. Rules proposed by The FCC, Federal Election Commission, and considered by the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) all threatened online political speech. In the Open Internet Order of 2015, the FCC proposed something called the “general conduct standard” or the “Internet conduct standard.” The former chair of the FEC repeatedly called for federal regulation of online political speech and nearly persuaded the FEC to sanction Fox News for merely sponsoring a primary presidential debate. The SEC considered, but ultimately rejected, proposals that would have required companies to disclose political spending in greater detail than they already do.