Tag: Carbon Emissions
Tag: Carbon Emissions
Resolution in Opposition to a Carbon Tax
WHEREAS, affordable and abundant electricity is a strategic resource that is essential to modern life, America’s economic competitiveness. WHEREAS, the application of a carbon tax to gasoline and other transportation…
West Virginia: Governor Recognizes Problems, but Solutions Fall Short
If delivery and mannerisms accurately convey intentions, West Virginia Governor Justice possesses the best of them. However, his policy prescriptions generally fell short of practical solutions.
Some Good Environmental News
If one were to spend much time listening to what some environmental groups say, they would likely be quick to think environmental quality is rapidly declining and the world population…
State Withdrawal from Regional Climate Initiatives
WHEREAS, there has been no credible economic analysis of the costs associated with carbon reduction mandates and the consequential effect of the increasing costs of doing business in the State…
State Power Accountability and Reliability Charter (SPARC)
Whereas Statements WHEREAS, a reliable and affordable electricity supply is vital to the nation’s and each state’s economic growth, maintenance of environmental quality, and the overall well-being of its citizens;…
Resolution in Response to EPA’s Plan to Regulate Greenhouse Gases under the Clean Air Act
Resolution in Response to EPA’s Plan to Regulate Greenhouse Gases under the Clean Air Act WHEREAS, the President has directed EPA to issue regulations setting greenhouse gas emission…
Restrictions on Participation in Low-Carbon Fuel Standards Programs
Be it Enacted by the Legislature of {insert state}: I. The State of {insert state} shall not join, implement, or participate in any state, regional, or national low-carbon fuel standards…
Conditioning Regulation of Non-Pollutant Emissions on Science Act Summary
Summary The following language may be used as a freestanding bill or amendment to a bill, (e.g., a bill to regulate carbon dioxide). It requires [State EPA]…