Tag: corporate tax
Tag: corporate tax
State of the State: Louisiana
Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards highlighted the “success” of the Medicaid expansion, foster care improvements, budget reforms, and business investment growth during his second State of the State address; but most of his speech…
President Obama’s Regulatory Reform
In the President’s world paradigm, growing the U.S. economy comes from investing in public programs, while the private sector engages in “loopholes” intending to “game the system” that in reality were perfectly legal actions in a tax system that is in desperate need of reform.
New Study: Low Tax Rates Attract Valuable Talent
A new study from the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) about state taxes found an interesting correlation that supports states using tax policy to compete with rivals for…
Jonathan Williams Discusses Pennsylvania’s Competitiveness on PMA Perspective
Jonathan Williams Discusses Pennsylvania’s Competitiveness on PMA Perspective On Sunday night, Vice President for the Center for State Fiscal Reform, Jonathan Williams, joined Carl Marrara of the Pennsylvania Manufacturers Association…