Tag: Energy Environment and Agriculture Task Force
Tag: Energy Environment and Agriculture Task Force (page 3)
Wetlands Mapping and Protection Act
Model Policy {Title, enacting clause, etc.} Section 1. {Title} This act shall be known and may be cited as the Wetlands Mapping and Protection Act Section 2. {Definitions} The following…
Power Plant Siting Act
Model Policy Section 1. {Title} This act shall be known and may be cited as the Power Plant Siting Act. Section 2. {Findings} The legislature finds and declares: A. Demand…
Agriculture Bio-Security Act
Agriculture Bio-Security Act Purpose This Act provides civil liability and criminal sanctions against the intentional acts of damaging or destroying any field crop or food product that…
ALEC Electricity Transmission Principles
Mission Energy production and transmission are critical components of our nation’s economic infrastructure. For economic growth to continue, the expansion and protection of our electricity transmission infrastructure system must be a priority…
Resolution on Packaging and the Municipal Solid Waste Stream
Model Resolution WHEREAS, members of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) recognize the importance of effective and integrated solid waste management policies and programs; and WHEREAS, all benefits of a…
Resolution on Invasive Noxious Weeds
Whereas, invasive species are organisms that are living in areas outside their native environment and whose introduction causes or threatens to cause economic, environmental, or medical harm. Whereas, there are…
Biotechnology State Uniformity Resolution
Whereas, ALEC has stated its support for the responsible use of the beneficial qualities of agricultural biotechnology such as in improved crop production techniques, pharmaceuticals, anti-immune disease…
Recycled/Refined Oil Labeling Act
Section 1. {Short title} This act shall be known and may be cited as the Recycled/Re-refined Oil Labeling Act. Section 2. {Legislative findings and declarations.} This legislature finds and declares…
Resolution on Renewable Energy Resources in a Competitive Electricity Marketplace
Resolution on Renewable Energy Resources in a Competitive Electricity Marketplace WHEREAS, new mandates for taxes, fees, and charges are being proposed by federal lawmakers to subsidize renewable energy…
Groundwater Protection Act
Model Policy {Title, enacting clause, etc.} Section 1. {Short Title.} This act shall be known and may be cited as the Groundwater Protection Act. Section 2. {Legislative findings and declarations.}…
Biotechnology Resolution
Biotechnology Resolution WHEREAS, biotechnology refers to any technique that uses living organisms or parts thereof to make or modify a product or plants, animals, or microorganisms for specific uses and…
Resolution on Local Jursidiction Consent of National Monument Designation
WHEREAS, the proposed designation of national monuments in the State of ______ clearly violates the spirit and letter of the Antiquities Act, which requires monument lands to be “confined to…
Protecting Property Rights to Facilitate Species Conservation
An act relating to the authority of a political subdivision to prepare and implement a regional habitat conservation plan or habitat conservation plan or to enter into a conservation agreement.
Wildlife Information Disclosure Act
Section 1. {Disclosure of Personal Information} (A) The name and address and a telephone, social security, driver’s license, bank account, credit card, or charge card, number of a person who…
Resolution Urging the President and Congress to Act Expeditiously in Procuring a Site or Sites for the Storage of High-Level Radioactive Waste
Model Resolution WHEREAS, decades into the commercial use of nuclear power the federal government has failed to establish a permanent high-level radioactive waste disposal facility; and WHEREAS, nuclear power facilities…
Resolution on Environmental Laboratory Privatization
Model Resolution Section 1. {Short title} This Resolution shall be known as the Resolution on Environmental Laboratory Privatization. Section 2. {Model Resolution} WHEREAS, government has limited resources and must prioritize…
Economic Impact Statement Act
Section 1. {Short title.} This act shall be known and may be cited as the Economic Impact Statement Act. Section 2. {Definitions.} The following words and phrases when used in this…
Resolution in Support of the Regulations from the Executive In Need Of Scrutiny (REINS) Act.
WHEREAS, the Constitution of the United States of America charges the Congress with all legislative powers; and WHEREAS,Members of the United States House of Representatives and the…
Resolution Supporting a Reasonable Compliance Timeline and Economy-wide impact study of EPA’s Mercury and Air Toxics Rule
WHEREAS, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has adopted and has proposed a series of regulations establishing stringent new standards applicable to the electric power sector industry;…
ALEC Urges President and Federal Government to Consult with States on Energy Resources and Public Lands
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Kaitlyn Buss Phone: 202-742-8526 Email: kbuss@alec.org ALEC Urges President and Federal Government to Consult with States on Energy Resources and Public Lands…