Tag: Energy Environment and Agriculture Task Force
Tag: Energy Environment and Agriculture Task Force
ALEC on WIZM Radio: Unreliable Energy Sources Put People in Danger
ALEC Energy, Environment and Agriculture Task Force Director, Joe Trotter, recently joined host Mike Hayes on WIZM radio in La Crosse, WI to talk about regulations that will…
Production Quotas: A Policy Cure Worse than the Disease?
For decades, the United States has feared a production quota from the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) that could drive up the global price of oil and spark a…
Energy, Environment and Agriculture Task Force: Policy Prescriptions to Address Economic and Health Care Challenges in the Face of COVID-19
The Energy, Environment and Agriculture Task Force explains why single-use plastic bags are ideal during the COVID-19 pandemic. Single-Use Plastic Bans and ALEC’s Auxiliary Container Act Reusable plastic bags…
Resolution in Opposition to a Carbon Tax
WHEREAS, affordable and abundant electricity is a strategic resource that is essential to modern life, America’s economic competitiveness. WHEREAS, the application of a carbon tax to gasoline and other transportation…
Interior Highlights the Importance of Critical Minerals that Might Be in Your Christmas Gifts
If you are doing last minute Christmas shopping, chances are the gifts you are thinking about buying depend on minerals. From the batteries and computer chips in smartphones and other…
Critical Infrastructure Protection Act
Critical Infrastructure Protection Act Summary Drawing inspiration from two laws enacted in 2017 by the State of Oklahoma,1 this Act codifies criminal penalties for a person convicted of…
Act to Establish Statewide Uniformity for Auxiliary Container Regulations
Sec. 1. As used in this act: a. “Auxiliary container” means a bag, cup, bottle, or other packaging, whether reusable or single-use, that meets both of the following…
President Trump Seeks to Jumpstart Construction of Keystone XL and Dakota Access Pipelines
On Tuesday morning, President Donald J. Trump signed two memoranda seeking to jump start construction of the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines. This news should come as no surprise…
Eminent Domain Authority for Federal Lands Act
Section 1. The following shall be enacted as Section _______ of the eminent domain provisions of the State Code: Other Property which may be taken – State as plaintiff. (1) …
Resolution Concerning Special Markets for Direct Solar Power Sales
WHEREAS, the solar power industry is pressuring the states to create special markets allowing the solar power industry to sell electricity directly to consumers; and WHEREAS, utilities already purchase and…
Environmental Impact Litigation Act
Section 1. {Environmental Impact litigation advisory committee.} The environmental impact litigation advisory committee shall consist of: The Commissioner of Agriculture, who shall serve as chairman; The Governor or the…
State Power Accountability and Reliability Charter (SPARC)
Whereas Statements WHEREAS, a reliable and affordable electricity supply is vital to the nation’s and each state’s economic growth, maintenance of environmental quality, and the overall well-being of its citizens;…
Resolution Regarding Protection of the Nation’s Electric Power Grid from Manmade Magnetic Disturbances
Model Resolution WHEREAS, protecting the nation’s electric power grid and ensuring a reliable and affordable supply of energy are top priorities for the electric power sector and state and federal…
ALEC Environmental Management and Protection Principles
Mission: To promote a healthy environmental legacy, preserving wildlife habitat, providing natural beauty and creating opportunities for hiking, hunting, fishing and enjoying natural resources. Across the country, America’s natural beauty…
Resolution Regarding Clean Water Act Regulations of EPA’s Definition of “Waters of the U.S.”
Resolution Regarding Clean Water Act Regulations of EPA’s Definition of “Waters of the U.S.” WHEREAS, the Clean Water Act (CWA) and implementing regulations of the past four decades…
Resolution Concerning EPA’s Proposed Guidelines for Existing Fossil Fuel-Fired Power Plants
Resolution Concerning EPA’s Proposed Guidelines for Existing Fossil Fuel-Fired Power Plants Summary This resolution finds that the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) proposed regulations for reducing…
Electric Transmission Line Siting Compact
Electric Transmission Line Siting Compact ARTICLE I: PURPOSE Siting electric transmissions lines across state borders and federal lands is an issue for states, the federal government, transmission utilities,…
Resolution Concerning Oil and Gas Production on Federal Lands
Resolution Concerning Oil and Gas Production on Federal Lands WHEREAS, the Mineral Leasing Act of 1920 and the Mineral Leasing Act for Acquired Lands of 1947 give the…
Updating Net Metering Policies Resolution
WHEREAS, the U.S. electric grid delivers a product essential to all Americans; and WHEREAS, electricity runs our economy—it powers our homes, businesses, industries, and the smart technologies and…
Resolution in Response to EPA’s Plan to Regulate Greenhouse Gases under the Clean Air Act
Resolution in Response to EPA’s Plan to Regulate Greenhouse Gases under the Clean Air Act WHEREAS, the President has directed EPA to issue regulations setting greenhouse gas emission…