Tag: Infrastructure
Tag: Infrastructure
Are Drivers Getting a Good Deal for Gas Taxes?
Are American drivers getting a good deal on roads for what they pay in gas taxes? Most would struggle to answer the question since doing so would first require them…
Investing in Infrastructure
Earlier this year, I had the opportunity to travel to Washington, D.C. to meet with President Trump. I joined other Governors, Mayors, and Speakers from across the country as the…
Trump Infrastructure: Plan is Out, Details to Come
This morning the Trump Administration released its $1.5 trillion infrastructure plan. After much speculation the sources of funding for such an investment, conservatives should be pleased to hear the Trump…
Indiana State of the State Address
The Hoosier State has implemented commendable changes regarding tax and fiscal policy in the past several years, with strong leaders at the helm including Governor Eric Holcomb, and former Governors…
Protecting Everyday Life Means Protecting America’s Infrastructure
This winter Americans have seen the importance of well-working infrastructure as much of the country has faced freezing temperatures. For instance, 48 percent of American households use…
Critical Infrastructure Protection Act
Critical Infrastructure Protection Act Summary Drawing inspiration from two laws enacted in 2017 by the State of Oklahoma,1 this Act codifies criminal penalties for a person convicted of…
ALEC Comment Supporting FCC Efforts to Restore Internet Freedom
Last week, the American Legislative Exchange Council went on record, filing comments with the Federal Communications Commission, strongly supporting a return to true internet freedom by supporting the roll back…
Setting the Record Straight on Open Contracting
An interesting exchange occurred in the Wisconsin Senate last Wednesday. During discussion of a bill that would prohibit the state of Wisconsin or political subdivisions from requiring Project Labor…
State of the State: Colorado
The governor wasted no time Thursday evening demanding more dollars be squeezed from the wallets of Colorado taxpayers.
Charting the Left’s Misguided War on Fossil Fuels
For several decades now, there has been general widespread agreement across the ideological spectrum that fossil fuel development is, on balance, a good thing. Over the years, America’s vast oil,…
How Municipalities are Placing Taxpayer Money At Risk with “One Touch Make Ready” Ordinances
What happens when a city receives a compelling offer for an ultra-high speed fiber network, but construction of the network is exceedingly slow because of red tape? The answer…
ALEC and ACCE Offer Lawmakers Resources to Prevent Future Flint Crises
As Flint officials handle the water crisis sickening town residents, state and local lawmakers should take a closer look at their own water supply and infrastructure viability. Thankfully, ALEC members have focused on this issue for years and can offer solutions that can be applied back home.
Will Flint officials adopt a competitive bidding process to fix their pipes?
Federal disaster relief for Flint Michigan’s water contamination could exceed one billion tax dollars before all is said and done. As that money is being dispersed to solve Flint’s water contamination, what steps are being taken to ensure this money is being used wisely? How are the taxpayers going to be reassured that this money is not going into the pockets of pet projects and crony capitalists?
Lowering Costs in Water Infrastructure through Procurement Reform
A Strategy for State Governments Every year in North America, 300,000 water main breaks threaten the safety of our communities and place enormous financial burdens on states already struggling to…
ALEC Statement of Principles on Road Transportation Financing
Preamble: Government policy should encourage a market-driven highway system, one that responds to the needs of users, on a user-pays basis. Traffic congestion imposes enormous costs on the…