Tag: Keystone XL
Tag: Keystone XL
At Long Last—A Presidential Permit for the Keystone XL
President Trump granted the permit necessary to complete the Keystone XL Pipeline. Traversing almost 1,200 miles between northern Alberta and refineries on the Texas gulf coast, the pipeline is expected to…
President Trump Seeks to Jumpstart Construction of Keystone XL and Dakota Access Pipelines
On Tuesday morning, President Donald J. Trump signed two memoranda seeking to jump start construction of the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines. This news should come as no surprise…
Charting the Left’s Misguided War on Fossil Fuels
For several decades now, there has been general widespread agreement across the ideological spectrum that fossil fuel development is, on balance, a good thing. Over the years, America’s vast oil,…
Keystone XL: It’s Official – Excuses for Inaction Have Disappeared
This appeared on RedState.com on January 9, 2015. Last year, President Obama halted the U.S. Department of State’s 90-day review of the Keystone XL project,…
State Department Finds No Environmental Objections to Keystone XL Construction
On January 31, the State Department released its final Environmental Impact Statement on the Keystone XL pipeline, concluding once again that its construction would have a net neutral effect…
ALEC Oil Sands Trip Educates Legislators On Environmentally Conscious Energy Production
Last month, a group of ALEC members flew to Calgary in Alberta, Canada, to tour an oil sands facility and meet with representatives of the Alberta government,…
In Honor of Armed Forces Day: A “Helmets to Hardhats” Remedy to an Unemployment Challenge
By The Honorable William (Bill) Payne, NM (SD-20) Senator Payne is the NM Minority Whip and ALEC’s National Security Subcommittee Chair. As our grateful nation observes Armed…
Lessons Learned from Our Neighbors to the North
Insights on Alberta from an Oil Sands Academy Participant By The Honorable AJ Griffin, OK (SD-20) Have you ever had a neighbor who lived close to you, but about whom…
Comments of support for the Keystone XL Pipeline needed by Monday, April 22, 2013
The U.S. Department of State will accept comments through Monday, April 22, 2013 on the Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) for the Keystone XL Project. Comments of support for…
Alberta Bound: Observations from the Canadian Oil Sands
Alberta Bound: Observations from the Canadian Oil Sands By the Honorable John Piscopo, CT (HD-76) ALEC National Chair Like everyone else, I had heard about the vast reserves of crude…
International Trip Provides Education for the States
International Trip Provides Education for the States By the Honorable Cliff Branan, OK (SD — 40) As a late addition to the group of Exchange Council…
The Keystone XL – Excuses for Inaction Are Disappearing Fast
By Karla Jones Rarely has a U.S. President been faced with a decision where the benefits of confirmation are so immediate, wide-ranging and positive and the consequences of rejection so…