Tag: law
Tag: law
Sneak Peek: Lawsuit Reform for Competitive State Economies Being Released Next Week
The last quarter century has seen a significant decline in the number of legislators with law degrees, down to only 17.2 percent of legislators currently. Whether you think this is…
5th Circuit Upholds PPACA’s Limits on Physician-Owned Hospitals
Last Thursday, the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals dismissed a lawsuit challenging provisions in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) that effectively limit expansion of physician-owned hospitals. The…
Website Explains Judicial Selection
by Maureen Wagner In recent years, the debate over the best method for choosing judges has captured an increasing amount of attention. In response to the growing interest in this…
Safer Communities at Less Cost Part II
Criminal justice reform: The solutions In part I of this series, we examined the state of criminal justice systems across the nation, and the need for reform in…
The Right Solutions to Prison Problems: How Texas’ good policy is spreading across the nation
By Representative Jerry Madden, TX For more than two decades, the motto shaping our criminal justice programs had been “tough on crime.” It is the mindset that led legislatures across…
Health Care Freedom Makes a Big Impact in 2012
As the U.S. Supreme Court hears oral arguments this week challenging the federal health law, the states are continuing to promote ALEC’s Freedom of Choice in Health Care…
Sackett Victory Holds EPA Accountable…but by How Much?
By Senator Rand Paul (KY) On March 19, 2012, the Environmental Protection Agency concluded one of its longest-running enforcement matters – a 22-year battle with 80-year-old Massachusetts cranberry farmer and…
Transparency Weeds Out Unintended Lawsuits
Earmarking by congressmen has received much scrutiny in the public’s eye. Allotting funding for pet projects with high costs and little benefit is something, of late, for which the public has…