Tag: Oil
Tag: Oil
Production Quotas: A Policy Cure Worse than the Disease?
For decades, the United States has feared a production quota from the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) that could drive up the global price of oil and spark a…
Are Drivers Getting a Good Deal for Gas Taxes?
Are American drivers getting a good deal on roads for what they pay in gas taxes? Most would struggle to answer the question since doing so would first require them…
Proposed Tax Increases Threaten to Stunt Oklahoma Recovery
The Oklahoma legislature is considering tax increases on cigarettes, beer, and fuel, along with doubling the severance tax on new oil and natural gas wells. The estimated…
The Battle for Energy Independence
Technological breakthroughs in hydraulic fracturing (commonly known as fracking) continue to unlock vast oil resources, revitalizing industries and unleashing economic growth across the nation. A competitive regulatory climate characterized by…
Federal Judge Rules Fracking Regulations Illegal
As the Obama administration continues to impose its “Regulatory Train Wreck” on the American public, a federal judge in Wyoming has granted the oil and gas industry a reprieve…
EPA Issues New Rule Targeting Oil and Gas Industry Methane Emissions
As we enter the last several months of the Obama presidency, every indication suggests that the current Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is going to go out with a bang. In…
Can a Free Market Innovation Help Jumpstart the U.S. Fracking Boom?
Earlier this week, EOG Resources, Inc., a Houston-based oil and gas exploration company, reported on an earnings call that their engineers had recently used natural gas to successfully extract…
Interior Reverses Proposal to Allow Atlantic Offshore Drilling
A little over a year ago, the U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI) made headlines when it announced a new proposal to open waters along the Atlantic coast between…
Sunshine Week: Disclosure of Hydraulic Fracturing Fluid Composition Act
During the first part of the 21st century, some of the greatest examples of American ingenuity and achievement took place in and around the oil and gas patches across the…
Lifting the Crude Oil Export Ban – Welcome and Long Overdue
With the discovery of new reserves and the technological advances to extract the oil, the U.S. has become a leading energy producer. The anti-free market oil ban that seemed a sensible response when enacted clearly outlived its usefulness, as ALEC underscored in its model Resolution in Support of Lifting Federal Restrictions on Crude Oil Exports and Resolution for Reform of Counterproductive Export Control Policies.
Intrastate Oil and Natural Gas Use Act
Intrastate Oil and Natural Gas Use Act Summary: The purpose of this bill is to create the Intrastate Oil and Natural Gas and Use…
Used Oil Collection Act
Model Legislation Section 1. {Short Title.} This act shall be known and may be cited as the Used Oil Collection Act. Section 2. {Legislative findings and declarations.} The legislature finds…
Limited Immunity for Persons Responding to Oil Spills Act
Model Legislation {Title, enacting clause, etc.} Section 1. {Short Title.} This act shall be known and may be cited as the Limited Immunity for Persons Responding to Oil Spills Act.
Recycled/Refined Oil Labeling Act
Section 1. {Short title} This act shall be known and may be cited as the Recycled/Re-refined Oil Labeling Act. Section 2. {Legislative findings and declarations.} This legislature finds and declares…
Resolution Calling for Increased Use of Healthy Oils
WHEREAS, both trans and saturated fatty acids have been recognized as unhealthy and have been associated with increased heart and circulatory diseases, WHEREAS, heart disease is a preventable disease costing…