Tag: tort reform
Tag: tort reform
Private Attorney Retention Sunshine Act
Model Policy Section 1. {Title} This act may be known as the Private Attorney Retention Sunshine Act Section 2. {Definitions} (A) For the purposes of this…
Prejudgment and Post-Judgment Interest Act
Model Policy Section 1. {Short Title} This Act may be referred to as the Prejudgment and Post-judgment Award Act. Section 2. {Interest on Contracts} (A) Interest on an award of damages…
The Best and Worst States for Lawsuits
For the past fifteen years, the Institute for Legal Reform has routinely conducted a survey involving corporate litigators and company senior executives. This survey has become a reliable benchmark for…
Sunshine Needed to Oust Phantom Lawsuit Damages
Lawsuit awards are often arrived at with misleading evidence. A little sunshine can help the jury award fair recovery free of phantom damages. Following a doctor’s visit, most people receive…
Give the Fed Input on Lawsuit Interest Rates
For seven years, the Federal Reserve has kept interest rates at zero to help encourage a fledgling economy to pick up steam. During this time, interest rates for lawsuit award…
Lawsuit Reform Across the Country: Using the New State Lawsuit Reform Website
States across the country need to reform their lawsuit systems. Too often, well-meaning businesses get penalized by frivolous lawsuits and are unable to fully contribute to a state’s economy. StateLawsuitReform.com…
Sued for Someone Else’s Products? Alabama Says No.
https://www.shutterstock.com/image-photo/alabama-state-capitol-building-29724400 Alabama Governor Robert Bentley signed into law legislation that would protect drug manufacturers from being sued for products created by their generic brand competitors. In January of 2013 and…
Punitive Damages Standards Act
Section 1. {Title} This Act shall be known and may be cited as the Punitive Damages Standards Act. Section 2. {Definitions} For the purposes of this Act, the meaning of…
Lawsuit Reform for Competitive State Economies
The publication focuses on fifteen key areas in which state legislators can craft meaningful reforms designed to make their state’s civil justice systems fairer, more predictable, and more conducive to…
Lawsuit Reform is a Key Free-Market Issue
For a marketplace to function properly, a legal system must incentivize good behavior and punish bad behavior. Lawsuits exist to make the wrongly injured financially whole by the injurer. If…
States Eliminate ‘Phantom Damages’ to Curtail Excessive Lawsuit Judgments
Medical care services, like automobiles or goods in a flea market, possess a list price that can often vary greatly from the price ultimately paid by the customer for the…
The State Legislator’s Guide: Tort Reform Boot Camp
There has been much talk on both the national and state levels about tort reform, but there has been much less discussion about the particular policies included under this category.