ALEC-FreedomWorks Legislator of the Week
State Representative Yvette Herrell is currently serving her fourth term in the New Mexico House of Representatives in the 51st District. She attended New Mexico State University at Alamogordo, American River College and graduated from the ITT Business School. She has been self-employed for most of her adult life and currently co-owns a successful real estate office.
Rep. Herrell is the co-founder of both the Balanced Budget Amendment Task Force and the State Legislator’s Article V Caucus. She serves as a member on the House Business & Industry Committee and the House State Government, Indian & Veterans Affairs Committee when in session. In addition she is an active member of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) and serves on the Board of Directors.
As a strong advocate for federalism issues, Yvette is passionate on supporting legislation that protects our individual and constitutional rights. She has worked extensively to pass legislation that will help New Mexico become a right-to-work state and is committed to reducing the influence of government on families and business owners across the state of New Mexico. She has worked extensively to eliminate wasteful spending and reduce regulatory encumbrances for industries across her state.