ALEC on NewsNet TV: American Leaders Need to Stand up to China
In the lead-up to this, China has been banning exports from Taiwan. So they might exact economic revenge. So I think that's why it's so important that people like Speaker Pelosi stand up to China.
Karla Jones, ALEC Senior Director for the Federalism and International Relations Task Force, was featured on NewsNet TV adding expert insight into the geo-political implications of Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s trip to Taiwan.
Karla Jones tells NewsNet she hopes violence against the Speaker or anyone else does not occur as a result of the visit. She says she is also concerned about other steps China can take in retaliation against Taiwan.
“In the lead-up to this, China has been banning exports from Taiwan. So they might exact economic revenge. If you look at Hong Kong, they are perfectly capable of taking over another sovereign entity. So I think that’s why it’s so important that people like Speaker Pelosi stand up to China,” Jones told us.
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