Are Millennials the Answer to Maine’s Declining Labor Force?
Lazy, living at home and selfish—millennials frequently get a bad reputation. The first digital natives, viewed as overly social and with different life priorities, are the future of the U.S. and a flourishing and competitive economy. Across the country, the pending reality of an aging population will impact some states more than others. Maine, in particular, should be wary of scaring off young workers and their potential to help its economy grow.
In recent years, millennials workers have shown an affinity for entrepreneurship. A BNP Paribas Global Entrepreneurs Report revealed that on average, millennials are more likely to launch new businesses than their baby boomer predecessors. Young adults are embracing entrepreneurial endeavors as they provide flexible opportunities to the newest members of the workforce.
Heyrich, Samantha and Joe Horvath (2016, August 12). Are Millennials the Answer to Maine’s Declining Labor Force? Maine Policy. Retrieved from