Egg Prices Will Cool if Government Allows Free Market to Work: Joe Trotter in The Washington Times
Consumers should get some relief in about six months when today’s chicks reach maturity and the industry is able to increase their production capacity.
Joe Trotter, ALEC Energy, Environment and Agriculture Task Force Director, recently told The Washington Times federal government policies are partly to blame for the high price of eggs.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture has also cited avian flu for driving rising egg prices. In an email, a USDA spokesperson said the outbreak has killed more than 44 million egg-laying hens since last February. Domestic supplies of eggs have declined by an average of about 7.5% per month over the same period, the email added.
Prices will cool further if the federal government lets the free market work, according to the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), a network of conservative private investors and state legislators.
“Consumers should get some relief in about six months when today’s chicks reach maturity and the industry is able to increase their production capacity,” said Joe Trotter, director of ALEC’s Task Force on Energy, Environment and Agriculture.