Iowa’s Tax Triumphs: Jonathan Williams on ITR Radio
I think there's so many of those things that Iowa has always been at the forefront whether it's the tax cuts and tax reform, education freedom, so many different good free market conservative reforms that Iowa has been a leader.
Jonathan Williams, ALEC EVP of Policy and Chief Economist, was featured on ITR Live (Iowans for Tax Relief) discussing strategies for managing state budgets in Iowa with a fiscally responsible manner, emphasizing the importance of reprioritizing spending, restraining growth, and avoiding tax increases both for Iowa and across the states.
When we talk with legislators and our allies around the Capitol for our annual ALEC event we ask, what are you doing that is doing well? I think there’s so many of those things that Iowa has always been at the forefront whether it’s the tax cuts and tax reform, education freedom, so many different good free market conservative reforms that Iowa has been a leader.
Other states are paying attention and that’s the great thing about the laboratories of democracy concept. You can get in the lead on these big picture free market conservative issues but because of the additive dynamics in the marketplace, you don’t stay in the lead unless you continue to move that way.
You can easily fall behind by standing still and so one of the things is of course continuing that progress that you’ve made. I was just in Topeka Kansas last week talking with Senate President Ty Masterson, just named ALEC national chairman, and they’re looking at ways to catch up the Iowa because that dynamic is so important to stay ahead keep that competitive edge going.