May Day for Business

May Day for Business


With emergency stay at home orders and business closure orders for Covid19 in every state, local law makers find themselves balancing a tight rope between public safety and liberty. The virus is a very real threat to a certain demographics, but they are also mindful of the financial ramifications on the free market & government finance.

Luckily, the virus predictions stated early on by the CDC have been much lower than expected. There is a call going up around the nation for employers and employees to get back to work. Some states have started this process while others are dragging their feet. President Trump has called on all Governors to start the reopening process no later than May 1st.

These are truly distressful times for businesses and families. However, they don’t have to be for many communities with local elected leaders willing to make the call for people to get back to work with precautions. The American City County Exchange has declared the Month of May, May Day for Business.

This tool kit will help local officials roll out a Mayday call in their community by providing step by step the process to start the conversation and provide best practices for businesses to re-open to the public. This document will also Provide resources from states leading the national call for re-opening their economies.


Tools for local officials to start the conversation about reopening.

  • Meet with local business owners and ask them when they are planning to reopen and what precautions they are taking to ensure a safe environment for customers and employees.
  • Promote their businesses on social media
  • Issue a Press Release calling on local businesses to start the re-opening process in May.
  • Hold your press conference on Facebook LIVE or Youtube.
  • Write an editorial calling for businesses to re-open
  • Conduct interviews with local and regional media to get the word out.
  • Host events where people can get their haircut or call for people to patron restaurant by hosting tailgate parties in parking lots near the restaurant.


Mayday for Business

Reopening Best Practices


In every City and County in America businesses have made a decision to re-open throughout the month of May. While COVID19 is a virus that has affected the lives of millions, businesses are committed to get back to work using precautions to ensure the safety of employees and customers. Here are some best practices to consider before a business opens its doors. 

Temperature checks: Businesses should consider use of a touchless infrared thermometer to check the temperature of employees each day and of each client who enters the business.

Screening questions: Ask each client entering the shop the following questions: Have you had a cough? Have you had a fever? Have you been around anyone exhibiting these symptoms within the last 14 days? Are you living with anyone who is sick or quarantined?

Limit people in business: Businesses should consider seeing customers by appointment only. Businesses should consider telephonic or online scheduling. Limit the number of people in the waiting area of the business.

Maintain social distancing: Spacing between people in the business should be at least 6 feet at all times. Businesses should consider additional spacing between booths, divider shields, and/or alternate work schedules.

Use Personal Protective Equipment and best practices: Employees should be required to wear masks at all times. Business may want to consider providing masks for customers.

Disinfection: Businesses should be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected prior to reopening. Disinfect all surfaces, tools and linens, even if they were cleaned before the business was closed. Businesses should maintain regular disinfection of all tools, workstations, and restrooms. Remove all unnecessary items such as newspapers, service menus and any other unnecessary paper products/décor)

Administration: Employees who are sick should be expected to stay home.

References: These best practices are an aggregate of the re-open orders in State of Georgia, Tennessee, Oklahoma & Texas



Links to States with Re-open Policies in Place


People 65 years or older, especially people 65 years or older with medical issues like heart disease, diabetes, cancer, or a weakened immune system, are at a higher risk for getting very sick or dying from COVID‑19. Every Texan is part of the solution. Strictly adhere to all CDC guidelines, as well as all recommendations in this document


Oklahoma will begin implementing a three-phased approach to open Oklahoma’s economy back up starting April 24, 2020. This statewide plan is:

  1. Based on scientific modeling from public health experts
  2. Intended to mitigate risk of resurgence
  3. Intended to protect Oklahoma’s most vulnerable citizens from the threat of COVID-19
  4. Intended for businesses and individuals to utilize in conjunction with guidance from the Oklahoma Department of Commerce, the Oklahoma State Health Department, and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).


The State recommends safeguarding protocols for all businesses in Tennessee, including those that are reopening and those essential businesses that remained open during the Safer at Home order. These safeguarding protocols are based on the recommendations of the CDC and OSHA. To support the Tennessee Pledge, all employers and employees should take steps to reopen safely, help other industries be able to open more quickly, and allow Tennessee to remain healthy and open for business.


Providing additional guidance for food service establishments, bowling alleys, and theaters in response to COVID-19