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Population Shifts Continue to Favor Low Tax States: Jonathan Williams on American Radio Journal

Once again that Americans are voting with their feet in favor of better economic opportunity in states where lawmakers favor free market limited government policy solutions.

In his latest American Radio Journal commentary, ALEC Executive Vice President of Policy and Chief Economist Jonathan Williams highlights how population shifts continue to favor low tax states.

For the past 16 years, the thesis of our Rich States, Poor States report has been that economic competition between the states is a driving force of interstate domestic migration. The latest domestic migration from 2023 from the US Census Bureau shows once again that Americans are voting with their feet in favor of better economic opportunity in states where lawmakers favor free market limited government policy solutions.

Unsurprisingly, low tax states like Florida, Texas and North Carolina once again had the highest domestic inmigration. On the other hand, the usual high tax big government suspects, like California, New York and Illinois had the highest domestic out migration once again. California, for instance, is now losing nearly 1000 residents per day to one of the other 49 states on net. Recently, several governors from states that are hemorrhaging residents have manipulated — more like tortured — the population data to make the claim that their states are not losing residents and are in fact somehow bastions of economic prosperity and opportunity.

Listen to the full interview here.