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The Most Damaging Way to Raise Revenue for States: Jonathan Williams in The Detroit News

Americans continue to vote with their feet, away from high-tax states and toward states with low tax burdens.

ALEC Chief Economist and Executive Vice President of Policy Jonathan Williams was quoted in a recent op-ed in The Detroit News by Mackinac Center’s David Guenther. Williams explained how lowering Michigan’s state income tax would make the state more economically competitive.

Allowing the income tax cut to proceed would improve Michigan’s ranking for the lowest top marginal income tax rate by three places, leap-frogging our neighbors in Ohio.

“The proof is in the pudding as they say: Americans continue to vote with their feet, away from high-tax states and toward states with low tax burdens,” says Jonathan Williams, executive vice president of policy at the American Legislative Exchange Council. “A key finding from our decades of research in Rich States, Poor States is that state income taxes are the most damaging way to raise revenue for states. States without income taxes such as Texas and Florida are some of the fastest growing states in America, while states with excessive income tax burdens like California and New York are hemorrhaging taxpayers.”

Click here to read the full op-ed.