Resolution on Country of Origin Labeling
Resolution on Country of Origin Labeling
Whereas, Free markets are one of ALEC’s core guiding principles and we have much model policy that supports the enhancement of free markets and international trade; and
Whereas, Canada and Mexico are the United States’ first and second largest trading partners respectively and that the growth of reciprocal trade should be encouraged as it is beneficial to all three countries; and
Whereas, the US mandatory Country of Origin Labeling (COOL) is inconsistent with our World Trade Organization (WTO) obligations and has been found by the WTO to discriminate against imported livestock creating challenges for Canadian and Mexican cattle and hog producers; and
Whereas, the US mandatory COOL law jeopardizes the viability of U.S. packing and U.S. feeding infrastructure, placing local and state economies at risk; and
Whereas, COOL undermines North American competitiveness in the global market; and
Whereas, the Canadian Ministers of Agriculture and International Trade, and their Mexican counterparts, have stated their intention to apply retaliatory tariffs on US exports to Canada and Mexico, our two largest export markets: now therefore be it
Resolved, that ALEC encourages the United States Congress to develop and pass a legislative solution that will build markets for U.S. products at home and overseas rather than implement additional regulations and requirements for our meat producers and processors and be it further
Resolved, that this resolution be submitted to the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, USTR Ambassador Michael Froman, members of the U.S. House Committee on Agriculture, members of the U.S. Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry, the U.S. Secretary of State and other state and federal officials as it is deemed necessary.
Approved by the ALEC Board of Directors January 9, 2014.
Re-approved by the ALEC Board of Directors December 26, 2018.