Archives: Economic Development / Model Policies

Archives: Economic Development / Model Policies (page 6)

  • Public Employee Paycheck Protection Act image

    Public Employee Paycheck Protection Act

    Model Policy Section 1. {Yearly Employee Paycheck Deductions Approval Required} (A) For deductions after [insert appropriate date], a public employer in this state shall not deduct any third party payment from an…

  • Food and Nutrition Act image

    Food and Nutrition Act

    Model Policy Section 1. {Definitions} (A) “Food nutrition information” includes, but is not limited to, the caloric, fat, carbohydrate, cholesterol, fiber, sugar, potassium, protein, vitamin, mineral, and sodium, and allergen…

  • Resolution Opposing Regulation Intruding on the States’ Traditional Role as the Primary Regulator of Homeowners’ Insurance image

    Resolution Opposing Regulation Intruding on the States’ Traditional Role as the Primary Regulator of Homeowners’ Insurance

    Model Resolution WHEREAS, the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development published notice of a proposed rule in the Federal Register on November 16, 2011, titled “Implementation of the…

  • Election Accountability for Municipal Employee Union Representatives Act image

    Election Accountability for Municipal Employee Union Representatives Act

    Model Policy {Title, enacting clause, etc.} Section 1. {Definitions} (A)  “The Commission” refers to the state labor board or any body that oversees labor relations in the state. Section 2.

  • Financial Accountability for Public Employee Unions Act image

    Financial Accountability for Public Employee Unions Act

    Model Policy {Title, enacting clause, etc.} Section 1. {Definitions} For the purposes of this Act: (A)  “Exclusive bargaining representative” refers to an individual who serves as a representative of a…

  • Public Employee Bargaining Unit Decertification Elections Act image

    Public Employee Bargaining Unit Decertification Elections Act

    Model Policy {Title, enacting clause, etc.} Section 1. {Definitions} (A)  “Petition to decertify” means a petition requesting the removal or substitution of a labor organization representative. (B)  “The Commission” refers…

  • Prohibition on Paid Union Activity (Release Time) by Public Employees Act image

    Prohibition on Paid Union Activity (Release Time) by Public Employees Act

    Model Policy Section 1. {START_STATUTE Definitions} The following definitions apply in this Act: (A) “Employment bargain” means any formal or informal employment contract, agreement or understanding regarding the wages, benefits or…

  • Resolution on the Misapplication of Employee Classification Laws image

    Resolution on the Misapplication of Employee Classification Laws

    Model Resolution WHEREAS, franchising contributes $1.6 trillion to the United States economy through 733,000 franchise businesses; and WHEREAS, franchise businesses employ over 13 million workers; and WHEREAS, franchising has been…

  • ALEC Resolution Opposing Overregulation of Payroll Cards image

    ALEC Resolution Opposing Overregulation of Payroll Cards

    Model Resolution WHEREAS, a payroll card is a reloadable prepaid card issued to an employee by or on behalf of an employer through a national or regional bank, credit union,…

  • Long Term Asset Management Act image

    Long Term Asset Management Act

    Model Policy {Title, enacting clause, etc.} Section 1. {Title} This Act may be cited as the “Long Term Asset Management Act” Section 2. {Definitions} The following definitions apply in this…

  • Devolution of State Highway Systems Study Act image

    Devolution of State Highway Systems Study Act

    Model Policy {Title, enacting clause, etc.} Section 1. {Short Title.} This act may be cited as “The Devolution of State Highway Systems Study Act.” Section 2. {Devolution of commuter highways…

  • Share the Road Safety Act image

    Share the Road Safety Act

    Share the Road Safety Act Section 1. {Title, enacting clause, etc}  This act shall be known as the “Share the Road Safety Act”. Section 2. {Legislative Declaration}…

  • Multiple Award Schedule Contracts Act image

    Multiple Award Schedule Contracts Act

    Model Policy {Title, enacting clause, etc.} Section 1. {Title} This Act may be cited as the “Multiple Award Schedule Contracts Act” Section 2. {Definitions} The following definitions apply in this…

  • Traffic Incident Management Quick Clearance Act image

    Traffic Incident Management Quick Clearance Act

    Model Policy Section 1. {Short Title}This act may be cited as the Traffic Incident Management Quick Clearance Act. Section 2. {Road User Duties Approaching Incidents} (A) When in or approaching…

  • Online Motor Vehicle Insurance Verification Act image

    Online Motor Vehicle Insurance Verification Act

    Model Policy Section 1. {Title} This act may be cited as the Online Verification System (A)  The Department of ______________ (hereinafter “Department”) shall establish an accessible common carrier based system…

  • Business Exit Interview Act image

    Business Exit Interview Act

    Model Policy Section 1. {Short Title.} This Act may be cited as the Business Exit Interview Act. Section 2. (A) The director of development shall compile a report identifying companies…

  • Resolution on Criminal-Background Checks image

    Resolution on Criminal-Background Checks

    Resolution on Criminal-Background Checks WHEREAS, the members of [insert state here] oppose unnecessary and burdensome government regulations on commerce and individual…

  • Free Market Constitutional Amendment image

    Free Market Constitutional Amendment

    Free Market Constitutional Amendment “It is the policy of the state of ___________ that a free enterprise system shall govern trade and commerce in this state to promote…

  • Resolution to Support State Efforts to Protect Secret Ballot Elections image

    Resolution to Support State Efforts to Protect Secret Ballot Elections

    Model Resolution WHEREAS, the right to private, secret-ballot elections is a cornerstone of American democracy; WHEREAS, private, secret-ballot elections are the most fair, reliable, and democratic expression of the decision…

  • Union Financial Responsibility Act image

    Union Financial Responsibility Act

    Union Financial Responsibility Act Summary The power of workers to make sound decisions concerning their careers, workplace choices, workplace representation, and other areas of importance hinges on a worker’s…