Model Policies
Model Policies (page 3)
Constitutional Sovereignty Act
General Description: This model enacts this state’s Constitutional Sovereignty Act. Highlighted Provisions: This bill: Defines terms; Establishes a framework for this legislative chamber to prohibit the enforcement of a federal…
Memorandum of Understanding on Economic Cooperation and Trade Relations between this State and the United Kingdom
WHEREAS, the United Kingdom and this state maintain strong historic, cultural and commercial links; WHEREAS, the Participants recognize the overall importance of the economic relationship between the United States of America and…
Resolution Opposing the Imposition or Expansion of Digital Trade Barriers
WHEREAS, digital trade plays a crucial role in the U.S. economy, fostering innovation, and spurring economic growth; and WHEREAS, the imposition of trade barriers in the digital realm could stifle…
Resolution on the Importance of Pursuing Comprehensive Trade Agreements with Trusted Trading Partners
WHEREAS, Americans are deeply concerned with job creation, economic stability, and expanding economic prosperity throughout the United States; and WHEREAS, international trade is a critical engine of growth for the…
Only Citizens Vote Model Policy
Be it enacted by the Legislature of this state: Section 1. It is unlawful for any individual who is not a citizen of the United States to vote in any and…
Reaffirmation of the US Commitment to Taiwan on the 45th Anniversary of the Taiwan Relations Act
Section 1. Preamble: WHEREAS, the Taiwan Relations ACT (“TRA”) was signed into law on April 10, 1979, codifying the historically close relations with Taiwan that had existed prior to January…
Citizen Only Voting Amendment
Whereas, providing the right to vote to non-citizens in municipal or school board elections is expensive for the municipality because they now need to maintain their own separate voter rolls,…
Act to Prepare Inmates for Re-entry and the Workforce
BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF __________: Section 1. (A) When any inmate shall be discharged from a term of imprisonment for a felony…
Act to Define Clean Energy
Title: An act recognizing nuclear as clean energy. Description: This bill modifies provisions relating to clean energy. Highlight: Provides for the promotion and development of clean energy resources for declared…
An Act Relating to the Creation of an Environmental Restoration Accelerator
Section 1. Intent The legislature finds that taxpayers want effective environmental restoration projects to improve habitat, reduce pollution, and protect wildlife. Funding for environmental restoration should not be wasted on…
The Affordable, Reliable and Clean Energy Security Act
Section 1. Energy Security Domestic Production: The fuel source must be primarily produced domestically within the United States. Infrastructure Security: The infrastructure necessary to deliver energy to the customer should…
Resolution Urging States to Not Allow the Use of IRIS Assessments to Inform its Rulemakings
WHEREAS, many state agencies are required to use IRIS assessments, including determinations on key hazards and toxicity values, in regulatory, permitting, enforcement, or clean-up decisions; and WHEREAS, the policy decision…
Truth in Electricity Generation Labeling Model Act
The Problem Electric grids must match demand with supply immediately. If not, curtailment or blackouts are caused. The push for “Green” energy, notably solar and wind power, has exacerbated the…
Electric Ratepayers Affordability and Reliability Advocacy Act
Legislative Intent To represent all electric ratepayers with integrity and professionalism in ensuring quality, reliable utility services at the lowest cost possible. SECTION 1. Definitions (1) “Advocate”…
Natural Asset Company Prohibition Act
Sec. 1. Definition; (1) For purposes of the Natural Asset Company Prohibition Act, natural asset company has the same meaning set forth in the rules and regulations issued…
The School Board Election Date Act
Section 1. Date of School Board Elections (A) The date of a school district’s election for members of its board of education shall be held on the first…
SCOTUS Anti-Discrimination Implementation Act
1 – Legislative purpose and findings. (a) Legislative purpose. (i) It is the intent of the Legislature to ensure that no person, on the ground of race, color, or…
Use of AI Firearm Detection Software in Schools
Section 1. School District Safety and Security (A) From existing appropriations provided for school security purposes, the Department of Education may enter into a contract with a private…
Statement of Principles: Microschooling
I. Parental Choice Parents should have the freedom to choose the education experiences (public school, homeschool, private school, charter school, microschool, virtual school, etc.) that best serve their child. Policies…
Chronic Absenteeism Model Policy
Section 1. (A) A school district Superintendent, or his or her designee, may file a truancy petition if it is determined that: (a) A student subject…