Model Policies

Model Policies (page 5)

  • Taxpayer Transparency Act image

    Taxpayer Transparency Act

    Be it enacted by the Legislature of the [COUNTY] as follows: Section I. [Chapter] of the Code of [COUNTY] is hereby added as provided hereinafter: TAXPAYER TRANSPARENCY 1 Title. 2…

  • Local Taxpayer Protection Act image

    Local Taxpayer Protection Act

    Be it enacted by the Legislature of [COUNTY] as follows: Section 1. Local Taxpayer Protection Act. (A) Should the annual operating budget result in an increase in property…

  • Open Access to Vertiports Act image

    Open Access to Vertiports Act

    Policy. It is the policy of this state to promote the development of a network of vertiports that will provide equitable access to citizens of this state who may benefit…

  • Virtually Administered Assessments Act image

    Virtually Administered Assessments Act

    Section 1. (A) Any virtual school or program operating pursuant to [insert statutory reference] may administer any state assessment required under [insert statutory reference] in a virtual setting…

  • Homelessness Crisis Mitigation Act image

    Homelessness Crisis Mitigation Act

    Be it enacted by the Legislature of [COUNTY] as follows: Section 1 A new Chapter is hereby added to the Code of [COUNTY] to read as follows: CHAPTER HOMELESS SHELTERS…

  • Savings Incentive Partnership Program image

    Savings Incentive Partnership Program


  • The Science of Reading Act image

    The Science of Reading Act

    Section 1. Definitions A. “Science of reading” means evidence-based reading instruction that focuses on phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension and can be differentiated to meet the needs of…

  • The Electric Reliability Act image

    The Electric Reliability Act

    The legislature of [name of state] finds that: American families and American industries depend on reliable and affordable electricity for everything they do, from lifesaving medical equipment to lifesaving climate control in…

  • An Act to Prevent Lawsuit Abuse Regarding Ethylene Oxide Emissions image

    An Act to Prevent Lawsuit Abuse Regarding Ethylene Oxide Emissions

    An Act relating to ethylene oxide emissions; creating an exclusive cause of action for ethylene oxide exposure actions; providing that a plaintiff may prevail in an ethylene oxide exposure action…

  • Resolution to Affirm Support for Israel and to Condemn Hamas image

    Resolution to Affirm Support for Israel and to Condemn Hamas

    WHEREAS, Hamas was founded with the stated goal of destroying the State of Israel and has been designated by the United States as a Foreign Terrorist Organization; and WHEREAS, the…

  • Taxpayer Dollars Protect Workers Act image

    Taxpayer Dollars Protect Workers Act

    SECTION 1 – Statement and Purpose: WHEREAS, [insert state], as part of its economic development policy, has the right to set terms and conditions in connection with the awarding of economic…

  • Elimination of Youth Justice Fines and Fees Act image

    Elimination of Youth Justice Fines and Fees Act

    Section 1. Legal Financial Obligations for Youth Referred to the Juvenile Justice System A. No fee, court cost or fine other than restitution shall be imposed on or collected from…

  • Resolution Supporting a US-Taiwan Agreement for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with Respect to Taxes on Income image

    Resolution Supporting a US-Taiwan Agreement for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with Respect to Taxes on Income

    WHEREAS, the United States has entered into tax treaties covering more than 60 jurisdictions around the world which facilitate bilateral economic activity; strengthen global cooperation and benefit US businesses and…

  • Safeguard American Votes and Elections Act (SAVE Act) image

    Safeguard American Votes and Elections Act (SAVE Act)

    (1) In all elections, including primary elections, for any local, state, or federal public office, the following shall be prohibited: a. Voting systems that permit a voter to…

  • The Kinship Care and Fictive Kin Reform Act image

    The Kinship Care and Fictive Kin Reform Act

    Section 1. Title. This Act shall be known as The Kinship Care and Fictive Kin Reform Act. Section 2. Purpose. All children need safe homes, nurturing role models and caring…

  • Reject CBDCs and Protect Financial Privacy Act image

    Reject CBDCs and Protect Financial Privacy Act

    (1) Definitions: For the purposes of this chapter, the words defined in this section have the meaning given. (a) “Financial Privacy” refers to the protection of a citizen’s…

  • Teen Social Media and Internet Safety Act image

    Teen Social Media and Internet Safety Act

    (1) Definitions. For the purposes of this chapter, the words defined in this section have the meaning given. (a) “Internet” means the combination of computer facilities and electromagnetic…

  • The Opportunity High School Diploma Program image

    The Opportunity High School Diploma Program

    Section 1. Definitions (a) “Program” refers to the Opportunity High School Diploma Program. (b) “Institution of higher education” means a college, university, or similar institution, including a technical or business…

  • The Career Transparency Act image

    The Career Transparency Act

    Section 1. Definitions (a) “Institution of higher education” means a college, university, or similar institution, including a technical or business school, offering postsecondary level academic instruction that leads to an…

  • The Early College Education Program image

    The Early College Education Program

    Section 1. Definitions (a) “Program” means the Early College Education Program. (b) “Student at risk of dropping out of school” means a student who: a. Is under 26…