Model Policies

Model Policies (page 4)

  • Model State Artificial Intelligence Act image

    Model State Artificial Intelligence Act

    Section 1. {Statement of Purpose} (1) The [LEGISLATIVE BODY] finds the following: (a) WHEREAS, artificial intelligence (AI) represents the next great tool for human flourishing, artistic…

  • ALEC Statement of Principles for Teen Use of Social Media image

    ALEC Statement of Principles for Teen Use of Social Media

    Laws and regulations governing the safety of teens (ages 13-18) and their use of social media should be consistent with the principles outlined below. Without dispute the safety and well-being…

  • Stop Squatters Act image

    Stop Squatters Act

    Section 1. Limited Alternative Remedy to Remove Unauthorized Persons from Residential and Commercial Real Properties (a) The Legislature finds that the right to exclude others from entering, and the right…

  • Public Employees’ Bill of Rights image

    Public Employees’ Bill of Rights

    PUBLIC EMPLOYEES’ BILL OF RIGHTS An Act concerning public employees’ rights with respect to their exclusive representative, internal union matters, and collective bargaining. Be it enacted by the Legislature of…

  • An Act to Establish the Office of Regulatory Management image

    An Act to Establish the Office of Regulatory Management

    Section 1. Short Title. This act may be cited as the Regulatory Management Act of [insert year]. Section 2. Definitions. As used in this act, unless the context requires a…

  • Military Spouse Licensure Act image

    Military Spouse Licensure Act

    BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF [INSERT HERE] Section 1. Definitions. For this section of code, the following definitions are established: (1) “Occupational…

  • ACCE Model County Code Ordinance image

    ACCE Model County Code Ordinance


  • Statement of Principles on Illegal Possession of Private Property image

    Statement of Principles on Illegal Possession of Private Property

    Squatting in the United States is the unauthorized use of real estate. Historically, squatting occurred during the settlement of the Midwest when colonial European settlers established land rights and during the California Gold Rush.

  • Resolution To Adopt The “Think Differently” Initiative To Assist Individuals With Special Needs And Their Families image

    Resolution To Adopt The “Think Differently” Initiative To Assist Individuals With Special Needs And Their Families

    WHEREAS, the “Think Differently” initiative is about promoting awareness and acceptance of all people, and advocating for the inclusion of all individuals living on the Autism Spectrum and with special…

  • Resolution in Support of Victim-Offender Dialogue image

    Resolution in Support of Victim-Offender Dialogue

    WHEREAS, victim-offender dialogue must be voluntarily chosen by both the victim and the offender. Dialogue may be pursued as an alternative or in parallel to the traditional process. WHEREAS, a written agreement…

  • Reliability in Expert Testimony Standards Act image

    Reliability in Expert Testimony Standards Act

    Section 1.  Short Title This Act may be known and cited as the Reliability in Expert Testimony Standards Act. Section 2.  Testimony by Expert Witnesses  {FRE 702} A witness who…

  • Act to Designate Human Smuggling as a State Crime image

    Act to Designate Human Smuggling as a State Crime

    An Act concerning crimes, punishment and criminal procedure; relating to crimes against persons; creating the crimes of human smuggling and aggravated human smuggling; providing criminal penalties, therefore. Be it enacted…

  • Statement of Principles on School Facility Safety and Security image

    Statement of Principles on School Facility Safety and Security

    Therefore, consistent with these objectives, we have developed the following principles regarding school facility safety and security: (i) Schools are a vital part of our national critical infrastructure and need…

  • Statement of Principles on Securing and Protecting Public Utility Infrastructure image

    Statement of Principles on Securing and Protecting Public Utility Infrastructure

    (i) Public Utilities are a vital part of our national critical infrastructure. Public utilities play a fundamental role in providing essential services and are vital components of our nation’s energy…

  • Stop Deepfake CSAM Act image

    Stop Deepfake CSAM Act

    Section 1. {Title} This Act may be cited as the Stop Deepfake CSAM Act. Section 2. {Definitions} “Deepfake” means any visual media created, altered, or otherwise manipulated in a manner…

  • Stop Non-Consensual Distribution of Intimate Deepfake Media Act image

    Stop Non-Consensual Distribution of Intimate Deepfake Media Act

    Section 1. {Title} This Act may be cited as the Stop Non-Consensual Distribution of Intimate Deepfake Media Act. Section 2. {Definitions} “Deepfake” means any visual media created, altered, or otherwise…

  • Resolution Supporting Access to Safe and Reliable Payments Systems image

    Resolution Supporting Access to Safe and Reliable Payments Systems

    WHEREAS, Americans have developed an exceptionally advanced and innovative payments system through a steadfast focus on private sector leadership that respects the rights of individuals and companies to make their…

  • Resolution on Directory Enforcement image

    Resolution on Directory Enforcement

    Urging the States to Enforce Against Illicit and Non-Compliant Nicotine Vapor Products, Particularly from China, That are Defying Federal Law and Putting Kids and Adults at Risk WHEREAS,…

  • No Government Trespassing Act image

    No Government Trespassing Act

    ENTITLED An Act to prohibit conservation officer trespass onto private land. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of ___________: Section 1. That a NEW SECTION be added: Conservation officers–Entering…

  • Regulatory Sunset Act image

    Regulatory Sunset Act

    (a) Any rule promulgated after the effective date of this Act shall terminate five years after it is promulgated. Any rule, promulgated on or before the effective date of this…