Resolution on Mandatory Electricity Consumer Disclosure Information
WHEREAS, many states are deregulating the generation of electricity and encouraging the formation of a competitive electricity marketplace;
WHEREAS, market forces can do a better job than any government or regulatory agency in determining the prices and varieties of electricity products and services, including the types and technologies used for generating electricity;
WHEREAS, the economic efficiencies inherent in competitive markets provide the most cost-effective compliance with environmental laws and regulations;
WHEREAS, consumers value the environment and are willing to vote with their dollars to promote environmental objectives;
WHEREAS, electric suppliers in different regions around the country are marketing the concept of “green pricing” whereby customers of electricity may choose the generation technologies that best support their environmental values, and at a premium price if necessary;
WHEREAS, some advocates of greater market intervention propose to mandate an enforceable requirement that all customer bills for electricity include information on price variability, fuel mix, emissions and other characteristics associated with such fuel mix;
WHEREAS, it is the sense of this Legislature that the mandatory disclosure of such information on customer bills is undue interference in the operation of competitive markets, and impedes the efficient operation of the market by imposing a burden on any electric supplier otherwise willing to offer products and services to consumers of the state of {insert state}.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the state of {insert state} urges the Congress, as it seeks to reform and repeal federal laws that impede competitive electricity markets, to encourage the voluntary disclosure of information on customer bills relating to generation source and the environmental emissions of each source; and
THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the state of {insert state} urges the Congress to refrain from mandates requiring or prohibiting disclosure of such information.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that it is the sense of this Legislature that the mandatory disclosure of such information on customer bills is undue interference in the operation of competitive markets, and impedes the efficient operation of the market by imposing a burden on any electric supplier otherwise willing to offer their products and services to consumers of the state of {insert state}.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be transmitted to the President of the United States, the Speaker of the House, the President Pro Tempore of the Senate and to every member of this state’s Congressional Delegation.
Approved by ALEC Board of Directors in 2005.
Reapproved by ALEC Board of Directors on January 28, 2013.
Reapproved by ALEC Board of Directors on November 16, 2017.