ALEC Statement on Membership Growth
ALEC Statement on Membership Growth
The American Legislative Exchange Council is the nation’s largest nonpartisan, voluntary membership organization of state legislators. ALEC advances limited government, free markets and federalism through a unique and valuable partnership between the public and private sector.
Like other membership organizations, membership regularly expands and contracts for a variety of reasons including, but not limited to, organization and member policy priorities, elections, term limits, mergers and shifts in government affairs focus. Following the Trayvon Martin tragedy, ALEC critics distorted the role ALEC played in ‘Stand Your Ground.’ As a result, certain private sector members chose to withdraw their support for the Exchange Council. While we respect the decisions of past members, ALEC moved forward, grew membership, focused on transparency and renewed the organization focus on limited government, free markets and federalism.
It follows that as membership numbers decrease, revenue decreases at a corresponding rate. However, as a fiscally conservative organization, ALEC balanced its budget and made plans for a successful future.
During 2013, the American Legislative Exchange Council experienced strong growth as a result of the organization’s focus on issues relevant to American citizens and businesses. To date, more than 300 new members have joined the organization.
This year, ALEC celebrated 40 years of expanding nonpartisan policy analysis, study and research, and will continue to do so for another 40 years.