Category: Setting the Record Straight
Category: Setting the Record Straight
Another Swing and Miss from The Guardian in Desperate ALEC Smear
A recently published smear piece by Chris McGeal in The Guardian took aim at a failed draft model policy from 2020, claiming it sought goals of “complete immunity” for…
The Constitution is Not a Con Job: Lisa B. Nelson in the South Florida Sun Sentinel
ALEC CEO Lisa B. Nelson recently authored an op-ed in the South Florida Sun Sentinel titled The Constitution is not a con job, rebuking an earlier Sentinel…
Liability Trap? Harvard Paper on ALEC Model Policy Gets Debunked
In February, the Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance published a paper titled “The Liability Trap,” claiming that ALEC model policy would create a “legal quagmire” for fiduciaries…
Protecting Critical Infrastructure Amid Recent Substation Attacks
In the last six weeks, five electrical substations – in North Carolina, South Carolina, Washington, and Oregon – have been attacked, leaving tens of thousands of people without power.
Critical Infrastructure vs. Free Speech? Protect Both
If this past year has taught us anything, it is that reliable critical infrastructure is essential for the livelihoods of Americans. Just weeks after the Colonial Pipeline attack, millions…
Union Time on the Taxpayer Dime
Connecticut state budgets are in dire straits. Belts need to be tightened. Revenue projections estimate the budget deficit could spill over $900 million in 2016-2017. With such staggering shortfalls,…
July 2 ALEC Statement on WXIA Atlanta
The 11 PM ET broadcast of WXIA/ NBC 11 Alive tonight will include a segment that follows a common yet erroneous storyline that has played out repeatedly over the past…
In defense of ALEC | Harry C. Alford
We all know of the recent horror of a North Charleston, S.C. police officer deciding to murder an unarmed Black citizen by firing eight rounds at his back as he…
Attacks against ALEC are misguided | The Indianapolis Star
A recent letter to the editor (“ALEC has huge influence in Indiana”) made misleading comments about the American Legislative Exchange Council, an organization to which I belong. Bringing state legislators,…
State Legislators Send Letter to Google
234 Legislators Send Letter to Google: “Your calculated departure from ALEC is based on misinformation from climate activists” See Full…
American Legislative Exchange Council Focus: Limited Government, Free Markets and Federalism
American Legislative Exchange Council Focus: Limited Government, Free Markets and Federalism The American Legislative Exchange Council is a nonprofit,…
ALEC Statement on Membership Growth
ALEC Statement on Membership Growth The American Legislative Exchange Council is the nation’s largest nonpartisan, voluntary membership organization of state legislators. ALEC advances limited government, free markets and…
ALEC, Guardian Correspondence
Below is the correspondence between Ed Pilkington and American Legislative Exchange Council Senior Director of Public Affairs Bill Meierling. Mr. Pilkington’s story was well balanced, and we appreciate the opportunity…
Free Market Coalition Signs Letter in Response to Senator Durbin
Free Market Coalition Signs Letter in Response to Senator Durbin Statement Asserts Constitutional Right to Free Speech and Free Association Arlington, Va., (Updated Friday, August 30, 2013)— The…
More Than 300 State Legislators Sign Statement Expressing Disappointment over Senator Durbin’s Letter
More Than 300 State Legislators Sign Statement Expressing Disappointment over Senator Durbin’s Letter Letter asserts Constitutional right for businesses, legislators to freely associate Arlington, Va., (UPDATED, September…
State Legislators, Supporters Show Concern Regarding Inappropriate Outreach by Senator Durbin
State Legislators, Supporters Show Concern Regarding Inappropriate Outreach by Senator Durbin Chicago, Ill. (August 9, 2013)— Following the distribution of an open letter to more than 300…
American Legislative Exchange Council Posts Full Catalog of Model Policies Online
American Legislative Exchange Council Posts Full Catalog of Model Policies Online Renews call for open exchange of ideas to create opportunity and move government closer to communities WASHINGTON, DC (March…
Statement by Alan P. Dye on Latest Harassment Tactic Against ALEC by Liberal Front Groups
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Kaitlyn Buss Phone: 202-742-8526 Email: Statement by Alan P. Dye on Latest Harassment Tactic Against ALEC…
ALEC Sharpens Focus on Jobs, Free Markets and Growth — Announces the End of the Task Force that Dealt with Non-Economic Issues
(Washington, D.C.) April 17, 2012—David Frizzell, Indiana State Representative and 2012 National Chairman of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), issued the following statement today on behalf of ALEC’s Legislative…
Statement by ALEC on the Coordinated Intimidation Campaign Against Its Members
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Kaitlyn Buss Phone: 202-742-8526 Email: Statement by ALEC on the Coordinated Intimidation Campaign Against Its Members (Washington, D.C.) April 11, 2012—Ron…