State lawmakers face difficult economic challenges. While many Americans worry that job and unemployment numbers remain stubbornly high, citizens look to their elected representatives in the state and federal government to offer sound solutions.
Since 1973, the American Legislative Exchange Council has focused on providing practical policy answers to challenges facing America. State lawmakers can conquer today’s economic challenges by refocusing on our nation’s founding principles of limited government, free markets and federalism. The states, not Washington, D.C., are in a position to take the lead, restart America’s economic engine and put people back to work.
The Exchange Council provides a unique opportunity for state legislators, business leaders and citizen organizations from around the country to develop model policies based on academic research, existing state policy and effective business practices. These policies are the result of task force research and debate, and are intended to be academic documents for individual study. While these state-based policy solutions are meant to facilitate economic growth, one size does not fit all. Legislators have the opportunity to determine, in consultation with their constituents and legislative colleagues, what works best for their communities.
The American Legislative Exchange Council’s Task Force on Communications and Technology is composed of nearly 200 members representing all regions of the country and every segment of industry, who believe that constant, dynamic innovation in communications and technology presents numerous complexities that defy traditional public policy prescriptions. To help policymakers understand the changes underway in the 21st Century economy, the Task Force brings together state legislators, private industry and experts to develop public policies that will promote economic growth, freedom of technology and innovation in the states. The American Legislative Exchange Council Task Force on Communications and Technology is pleased to provide the following three model policies, with hyperlinks to the policy text, to the public and our members as suggestions to spur more economic growth through broadband.