Tag: 2013 SNPS
Tag: 2013 SNPS
Resolution Supporting Efforts of Telehealth Working Group
WHEREAS, the cost of healthcare has grown an average of 2.4 percent faster than GDP since 1970 and currently represents 18 percent of the United States’ total GDP; and WHEREAS,…
Checks and Balances in Government Amendment
Checks and Balances in Government Amendment Article 1 Title. This article is known as the “Checks and Balances in Government Amendment.” Article 2 Denial of State Personnel and…
Federalism Education Requirements for Public Attorneys
Federalism Education Requirements for Public Attorneys Whereas, the High Court has reiterated time and again that the sovereignty, jurisdiction, and even the supremacy of the States in their…
Statement of Principles for Cybersecurity
WHEREAS, it is the mission of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) to advance the principles of free markets, limited government and federalism; and WHEREAS, effective cybersecurity is essential for…
Statement of Principles on Philanthropic Freedom
Statement of Principles on Philanthropic Freedom Philanthropy exemplifies the American ideal of private action in the public interest, demonstrating our faith in the capacity of individual citizens not…
Resolution on Country of Origin Labeling
Resolution on Country of Origin Labeling Whereas, Free markets are one of ALEC’s core guiding principles and we have much model policy that supports the enhancement of free…
Statement of Principles for Model State Laws to Encourage Philanthropic Creation and Operation
Philanthropy exemplifies the American ideal of private action in the public interest, demonstrating our faith in the capacity of individual citizens not only to create wealth, but also – voluntarily…
Bail Agent Education and Licensing Act
Bail Agent Education and Licensing Act Summary This Act would establish a state bail bond regulatory board to monitor and license bail bondsmen. The Act would…
Resolution to Reduce the State’s Dependence on Federal Funds
Model Resolution WHEREAS, the Legislature of the state declares that the nation’s fiscal recklessness poses a great, clear, and present threat to America’s future; WHEREAS, David Walker, former Comptroller…
Navigator Background Check Act
Section 1. Title. This Act shall be known as the “Navigator Background Check Act.” Section 2. Definitions. “Health care insurance navigator” means a person who is selected to perform in…
Resolution on Automated Driving System Legislation and Regulation
WHEREAS, automated driving systems remain in the early stages of development, necessitating the establishment of a common definitional taxonomy. WHEREAS, the dynamic driving task refers to the real-time operational and…
Resolution to Permanently Repeal the Federal Unified Gift and Estate Tax
Model Resolution WHEREAS, the Federal Unified Gift and Estate Tax generates a minimal amount of Federal Revenue especially considering the high cost of collection and compliance; and WHEREAS, this “Death…
Federal Funds Commission Act
Model Policy {Title, Enacting Clause, etc.} Section 1. This Act may be cited as the Federal Funds Commission Act. Section 2. {Definitions.} (A) “Commission” means the {insert state}…
Constitutional Amendment Restricting the Use of Vehicle Fees and Taxes for Highway Purposes
All fees collected by the State of {insert state} as license fees for motor vehicles and all excise taxes collected by the State of {insert state} on the sale, distribution…
Freedom of Choice in Health Care Act
Section 1. Short Title. This Act may be cited as the “Freedom of Choice in Health Care Act.” Section 2. The people have the right to enter into private contracts…
Resolution Urging Congress to Reject “Windfall Profits” Taxes on Energy Companies
Resolution WHEREAS, any additional tax on energy companies will hurt energy exploration and will do nothing but increase the price of gasoline for American consumers. WHEREAS, our experiment with a…
Rescession External Review Act
Section 1. Short Title. This Act may be cited as the “Rescission External Review Act.” Section 2. Purpose. The purpose of this Act is to assure that covered persons have…
Affordable Health Insurance Act
Section 1. Short Title. This Act may be cited as the “Affordable Health Insurance Act.” Section 2. Insurers that include and operate wellness and health promotion programs, disease…
Statement of Principles on States’ Dependence on Federal Funds
Statement of Principles States must come to grips with the possibility that federal funding assumed by the state’s budget may decrease or be eliminated as federal budget priorities and tax…
Resolution in Support of Oral Health Curriculum
Resolution: WHEREAS, oral health is distinct from other aspects of health care in that oral health predominantly relates to two diseases—caries and periodontal disease—both of which are largely preventable; and WHEREAS, unlike…