Tag: ALEC (page 10)
Inside ALEC Takes on Taxes
“No government ever voluntarily reduces itself in size. Government programs, once launched, never disappear. Actually, a government bureau is the nearest thing to eternal life we’ll ever see on this…
A False Choice in Illinois
This Friday, the Illinois General Assembly will convene a one-day special session to address the state’s overwhelming pension liability. Illinois faces a pension funding crisis of at least $83 billion…
Rep. Linda Upmeyer on What ALEC Means
ALEC’s Second Vice Chair Rep. Linda Upmeyer (IA) writes what ALEC means, and why it is good. Click here for entire article in The Gazette. “I chose to be a…
Taxed Three Times: How the Digital Goods and Services Fairness Act Protects Consumers from Multiple Taxes
It is no surprise that a majority of Americans purchase tangible items like clothing, books, and even groceries online. However, a recent finding from the…
Searching for a Fairer, Simpler, Clearer Mobile Tax Policy
A recent Pew Research Center’s report has found that mobile internet usage is increasing across all demographics, most notably among young adult and non-white members of society. Of the…
ALEC on CBS Evening News
CBS Evening News interviewed ALEC’s Secretary Sen. Chip Rogers (GA) on free markets, limited government and ALEC’s sound policy solutions. Check out the clip below.
ALEC Weighs in on EPA’s Proposed Carbon Dioxide Standard
On Monday June 25, the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) submitted a public comment in opposition to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) proposed carbon dioxide standard for new…
Taxes Don’t Matter? The Return of Junk Economics
The Detroit News published an opinion editorial today from ALEC’s Tax and Fiscal Policy Task Force Director Jonathan Williams on state tax increases, debunking the myth that taxes don’t…
Deep Blue Pension Reform
It’s no secret that America’s pensions are a major cause of fiscal stress across the country. According to a report last year from State Budget Solutions, most analysts agree that…
ALEC in Investor’s Business Daily
ALEC And The Left’s War On Free Speech – Investors.com. “If you want an insight into today’s left, look at its multifront war against the American Legislative Exchange Council…
Letter to Detroit News: ALEC’s Contribution Worthwhile
The Detroit News published a special letter from ALEC today on Michigan’s economic improvements over the past year as well as the attacks on ALEC from radical extremist groups:…
N.J. could use ALEC’s ideals
The Newark Star-Ledger reported on ALEC last week. We responded with an op-Ed in Sunday’s edition talking about our principles and the real policies New Jersey could use to enhance…
Freedom of Choice in Health Care Act in Arizona
An article ran in Arizona earlier this week detailing Arizona’s history with ALEC’s Freedom of Choice in Health Care Act—which preserves the right of patients to pay directly for…
The Right Solutions to Prison Problems: How Texas’ good policy is spreading across the nation
By Representative Jerry Madden, TX For more than two decades, the motto shaping our criminal justice programs had been “tough on crime.” It is the mindset that led legislatures across…
Former Mississippi State Chair Defends ALEC
A former representative and ALEC State Chair for Mississippi, Jim Ellington wrote a great defense of ALEC in a Letter to the Editor at the Clarion Ledger: “The truth…