Tag: Commerce Insurance and Economic Development Task Force
Tag: Commerce Insurance and Economic Development Task Force (page 2)
Constitutional Amendment Restricting the Use of Vehicle Fees and Taxes for Highway Purposes
All fees collected by the State of {insert state} as license fees for motor vehicles and all excise taxes collected by the State of {insert state} on the sale, distribution…
Investing in Infrastructure
Earlier this year, I had the opportunity to travel to Washington, D.C. to meet with President Trump. I joined other Governors, Mayors, and Speakers from across the country as the…
Vehicle Platooning for Safety and Efficiency Act
Section 1. (Legislative Declarations) Subdivision 1. A vehicle platooning system electronically coordinates the speed between a lead vehicle and one or more follow vehicles, enabling them to travel safely in…
FTC Takes on Economic Liberty with Introduction of New Task Force
On March 16, 2017, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) concurrently rolled out a task force and accompanying resource webpage focusing on economic liberty, with a concentration on occupational licensing…
Breach of Personal Information Notification Act
Section 1. {Definitions} As used in this Act: “Breach of the security of a system” means the unauthorized access and acquisition of unencrypted and unredacted computerized data that compromises the…
Setting the Record Straight on Open Contracting
An interesting exchange occurred in the Wisconsin Senate last Wednesday. During discussion of a bill that would prohibit the state of Wisconsin or political subdivisions from requiring Project Labor…
Rebecca Friedrichs: Why Good Teachers Want School Choice
Just in time for School Choice Week, Rebecca Friedrichs, a California public school teacher, partnered with Prager University to produce a short video describing why school choice programs lead…
Video: John Tillman Addresses ALEC Attendees
“The truth is that we want to unleash the human spirit that lives within every one of us. We want to empower workers. We want to give them their freedom;…
When Speech is Compelled
As the country celebrates one of our most fundamental freedoms during Free Speech Week, it is important to keep in mind that the freedom of speech also means the freedom…
A Drink to Our Freedom
During the mandate to prohibit alcoholic beverages in the United States under the 18th Amendment in 1920, it is unlikely that anyone could publicly say, “Connecting buyers and sellers, whiskey…
Video: Alfredo Ortiz Addresses ALEC Attendees
“A well-informed public is the best defense against bad public policy.” During the ALEC Annual Meeting, Mr. Alfredo Ortiz, president and CEO of the Job Creators Network, shared valuable ideas…
Michigan Leads on Giving Choice to Public Employees
For far too long, supporting workers has been interpreted as synonymous with supporting labor unions. Labor unions are happy to keep this conflation alive, but the changing nature of…
An Increased Burden: Too Expensive and Less Work
These regulations will also make doing business in any industry much more expensive. A study by the American Action Forum concluded that the new overtime rule would cost employers about $3 billion in compliance costs and nearly 2.5 million hours of paperwork related to the regulations.
Comprehensive Public Employee Freedom Act
Section 1. {Short Title.} This Act shall be known as the Comprehensive Public Employee Freedom Act Section 2. {Legislative Declarations.} This legislature finds and declares that: By bargaining over the allocation of…
Statement of Principles on State Workers’ Compensation Reform
Preamble Government policy should encourage fair and sustainable state-based workers’ compensation laws that provide quality medical care and benefits to injured workers, and focus on workplace safety and successful return-to-work…
State Council on Competitive Government Act
{Title, enacting clause, etc.} Section 1. {Definitions.} In this chapter: (1) “Council” means the State Council on Competitive Government. (2) “Local government” means a county, municipality, special district, school district,…
The Hurricane Mitigation Promotion Act
{Title, enacting clause, etc.} Section 1. {Designation.} The period from May 25th to May 31st of each year is “Hurricane Mitigation Week.” Section 2. {Proclamation.} The Governor…
Union Time on the Taxpayer Dime
Connecticut state budgets are in dire straits. Belts need to be tightened. Revenue projections estimate the budget deficit could spill over $900 million in 2016-2017. With such staggering shortfalls,…
Promoting Economic Growth, One State Labor Law at a Time
In May, the U.S. economy added only 38,000 new jobs, the lowest amount added in the past five years. The release of this disappointing jobs report at the beginning…
D.C. Residents Face Tougher Path to Employment as $15 Minimum Wage Proposal Passes
The recent push to raise minimum wage across the country has reached its boiling point in the District of Columbia. The proposal to raise the minimum wage to $15 per…