Tag: Federalism
Tag: Federalism (page 4)
“Fake News” Is Now Illegal in Malaysia
Whether well-established or nascent, faltering democracies share striking similarities on the path toward dictatorship. One of the most common is an early delegitimization of the media. Undermining press freedoms is…
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Releases Governance Frameworks to Counter Illicit Trade – Another Important IP Resource
Enshrined in the U.S. Constitution, intellectual property rights (IPR) are part of America’s constitutional heritage. Millions of American jobs owe their existence to the innovation economy, and IP-intensive industries…
Investing in Infrastructure
Earlier this year, I had the opportunity to travel to Washington, D.C. to meet with President Trump. I joined other Governors, Mayors, and Speakers from across the country as the…
2018 is Also the Year of the States
It is a foregone conclusion among many pundits and media outlets that 2018 is the “year of the woman.” There is a significant uptick in the number of female candidates…
At a Time When Global Democracy Is in Retreat Taiwan Offers Hope
Last month The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) released its 10th annual Democracy Index. The Index ranks 167 nations around the world on adherence to democratic norms using…
Health Care and the Individual Insurance Market
Iowa once had a stable and affordable health insurance market. Premiums were low, consumers had several choices, and our uninsured rate was lower than the national average. We also had…
Create – The Ideal Title for the Sixth Edition of the U.S. Chamber International IP Index
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s Global Innovation Policy Center or GIPC just released the sixth edition of the International IP Index. Aptly titled “Create,” five new countries…
Turkey: A Strikingly Familiar Tale of a Democracy in Decline
Late last year Turkey’s Chief Prosecutor issued a warrant for former CIA officer, Graham Fuller, alleging links between…
A New Resource for Article V Information
The Balanced Budget Amendment Campaign Update published by the Balanced Budget Amendment Task Force is an excellent resource for information about the Article V movement to propose a Balanced Budget…
To My Fellow Federalists
We must learn and engage the art of coalition if we are to avoid becoming yet another principled movement whose talk was tough but left empty…
Resolution Demanding that Congress Convey Title of Federal Public Lands to the States
Model Resolution WHEREAS, noted economist, John Kenneth Galbraith, stated, “Where socialized ownership of land is concerned, only the USSR and China can claim company with the United States;” WHEREAS, more…
Draft Resolution to Restore the Division of Governmental Responsibilities between the National Government and the States
STATE OF [INSERT STATE] Be it resolved by the Legislature of the state of [INSERT STATE]: WHEREAS, the genius of the United States of America lies in the liberty of…
Draft Resolution Recommending Constitutional Amendment Restoring Election of U.S. Senators to the Legislatures of the Sovereign States
Model Policy Whereas Article I, Section 3, Paragraph 1 of the Constitution provided for the Senators to be chosen by the Legislature of each State, and was effective for 124…
Resolution Calling on Congress to Pass the Regulations from the Executive in Need of Scrutiny (REINS) Act
Model Policy WHEREAS, the federal government has expanded beyond all bounds established by the U.S. Constitution; and WHEREAS, Congress has frequently delegated its constitutional responsibilities while failing to conduct appropriate…
Omnibus Concurrent Resolution
____ Congress __ Session __.Con.Res.___ Be it resolved by the _________ of the United States of America (the ____ Concurring) in Congress Assembled, Section 1. Omnibus Concurrent Resolution…
Compact for America: Balanced Budget Amendment
REFERENCE TITLE: ___________________ State of ___________ (Introducing ________) _________ Legislature __________ Session 20___ __. B. ____ Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of _____________:…
A Founding Father of Federalism: Professor Rob Natelson Profiles John Dickinson
On the occasion of the 250th anniversary of Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania, member of the ALEC Board of Scholars Professor Rob Natelson profiles their author, John Dickinson, one…
A Convention of States Explained
In Why the Constitution’s ‘Convention for Proposing Amendments’ Is a Convention of the States which can be accessed here, ALEC Board of Scholars member Professor Rob Natelson explains the…
Poland’s Pivot toward Authoritarianism
Poland has long been viewed as a shining example of what a peaceful transition from an Eastern European Communist state to a democracy could and often did look like. Starting…
Why Bother Campaigning When Jailing Political Opponents Is an Option?
Cambodian general elections are scheduled for July 29, 2018, with the opposition Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP) looking as if it has a chance to unseat the current Prime Minister…