Tag: International Relations Task Force
Tag: International Relations Task Force (page 8)
Resolution in Support of Lifting Federal Restrictions on Crude Oil Exports
Resolution in Support of Lifting Federal Restrictions on Crude Oil Exports WHEREAS, in response to the 1973 oil crisis, Congress passed the Energy Policy and Conservation Act of…
Resolution to Support Trademark Protections
Resolution to Support Trademark Protections WHEREAS, trademarks are valuable assets to business; and WHEREAS, the American people and our economy are deeply impacted by trademarks because they represent…
Resolution In Support of Expanded Liquefied Natural Gas Exports
WHEREAS, plentiful natural gas supplies and unprecedented advances in technology have provided a historic opportunity for the U.S. to achieve energy self-sufficiency while creating jobs and wealth for our economy;…
Resolution on Trade Promotion Authority
WHEREAS, Americans are deeply concerned with job creation, economic stability, and expanding economic prosperity throughout the United States, and; WHEREAS, international trade is a critical engine of growth for the…
Resolution in Support of Expansion of Foreign Markets for America’s Small Businesses
Whereas, small businesses are the foundation from which America builds its economic strength; and Whereas, according to the U.S. Small Business Administration there were over 33 million small businesses in…