Resolution to Support Trademark Protections
Resolution to Support Trademark Protections
WHEREAS, trademarks are valuable assets to business; and
WHEREAS, the American people and our economy are deeply impacted by trademarks because they represent iconic consumer brands; and
WHEREAS, trademarks support job creation, economic stability, and expand economic prosperity throughout the United States; and
WHEREAS, intellectual property (IP)-intensive industries create 40 million U.S. jobs and are responsible for two-thirds of U.S. exports and $5.8 trillion in U.S. output; and
WHEREAS, studies show that IP theft accounts for the loss of 750,000 American jobs and $250 billion a year in revenues; and
WHEREAS, U.S. goods and services exports supported an estimated 11.3 million jobs in 2013, including 25% of all manufacturing jobs; and
WHEREAS, growing numbers of fake and counterfeit goods enter the supply chain posing safety risks to consumers; and
WHEREAS, state enforcement of authentic goods and products bearing the legitimate trademark for its intended purposes is in the interest of citizens, law enforcement, and state/local economies;
NOW THEREFORE LET IT BE FURTHER RESOLVED, that the State/Commonwealth of [INSERT STATE] urges the U.S. Congress to enact legislation to grant the President trade promotion negotiating authority (TPA) setting appropriate parameters governing protection of trademarks in any agreement negotiated; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that copies of this Resolution be sent to each member of Congress.
Approved by the ALEC Board of Directors January 9, 2015.
Approved by ALEC Board of Directors December 20, 2019