Tag: International Relations
Tag: International Relations (page 4)
Old Nick and the Bolivarian Revolution
The Bolivarian Revolution of Hugo Chavez and his successor Nicolas Maduro has come full circle. In Venezuela, 125 protesters have died since April. Hundreds…
ALEC Congratulates David Dreier on Aztec Eagle Award
Former California Congressman David Dreier received the highest honor Mexico can bestow on a foreign national – the Aztec Eagle. Mexico’s President Enrique Pena-Nieto honored Rep. Dreier because of his…
Withdrawal from the U.S. – Korea Free Trade Agreement Is a Losing Proposition for America
After months of invective about America’s trade imbalance with South Korea, the Administration appears to be seriously considering withdrawal from the U.S.-Korea Free Trade Agreement (KORUS FTA). Unlike ratification, withdrawal…
Federalism and the Philippines
I was invited to present on “Understanding the Structures of Federalism” at the U.S. Embassy in Manila on August 14, 2017. It was a genuine privilege to be asked to…
Thou Shalt Not Steel
The Trump Administration is considering possible tariffs on steel imports in response to the Section 232 investigation into imported steel. The results of the Section 232 investigation should be revealed…
Postcards from Texas Part III
San Antonio, TX is older than the United States itself. It is the site of the Alamo and a River Walk that rivals the one in Paris. Despite all that,…
Rice, Rice, Baby!
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced a landmark trade agreement with China—a major victory for U.S. farmers and for the Trump administration. The deal “allow[s] the United States…
Release of the 2017 International Property Rights Index: On the (Property) Right Track
On July 11, the Americans for Tax Reform Property Rights Alliance released its 2017 International Property Rights Index, which measures Physical Property Rights, Intellectual Property Rights and the prevailing…
Spotlight on Federalism in Denver
As one of the ALEC guiding principles, federalism will take center stage at the ALEC Annual Meeting in Denver, Colorado, July 19-21, 2017, and here are some of the highlights.
On June 4, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Bahrain and Egypt severed diplomatic ties with Qatar, closing borders, airspace and ports to Qatari goods and businesses and shuttering…
New Cuba Policy Is a Step Away from a “Free Cuba”
Today, President Trump struck a middle ground on American policy toward Cuba, between those supporting the historic opening of the island nation under the Obama Administration and those calling for…
Draft Resolution Urging the Presidential Administration and Congress to Support International Trade and the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
Whereas, the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) policy on free trade acknowledges that, “the imposition of artificial barriers to free and open trade…are deterrents to American economic interests;” and Whereas,…
Latin America Is Primed for U.S. Trade and Investment
Led by the pro-business Mauricio Macri, Argentina could become a much more important economic partner for the United States in South America. Boasting the second largest economy on the continent,…
A Lighthizer at the End of the Tunnel
Confirmed by the Senate on May 11, U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer already faces a number of difficult trade challenges, including the renegotiation of NAFTA and beginning negotiations on a…
At Long Last—A Presidential Permit for the Keystone XL
President Trump granted the permit necessary to complete the Keystone XL Pipeline. Traversing almost 1,200 miles between northern Alberta and refineries on the Texas gulf coast, the pipeline is expected to…
Hope for the Best, Prepare for the Worst: Why the U.S. Should Place a Ballistic Missile Defense Site in Hawaii
In the midst of a highly provocative string of North Korean missile tests, Secretary of Defense James Mattis reaffirmed last month the U.S. commitment to defend South Korea, proclaiming that…
Deepening Bilateral Trade Ties with Vietnam Is Mutually Beneficial
In the wake of the United States’ abrupt exit from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) during the first days of the Trump Administration, the strategy for economic relations in Southeast Asia…
A Bilateral Pacific Partnership: The Great Potential of a U.S.–Taiwan Free Trade Agreement
President Trump’s withdrawal from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) was a major shift in America’s Asia-Pacific policy. Trump’s repudiation signals his desire for a new regional strategy, of which trade will…
Strong Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Protections Are the Root of 21st Century Economic Success
On February 8, the Global Intellectual Property Center (GIPC) of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce released the 2017 Global IP Index—the fifth annual edition of this publication. The…
A Hopeful Sign that the Special Relationship and American Exceptionalism Will Endure
It is fitting that the first visiting head of state that President Donald Trump hosted was Britain’s Prime Minister Theresa May—a meeting that provided a glimmer of hope in what…