Tag: Medicaid
Tag: Medicaid
Elections Will Have a Major Impact on Healthcare
Elections are just around the corner and all eyes are on the Presidential race. When it comes to health care issues, the divide between the candidates is more like a…
Alaska State of the State: Governor Calls for Expanded Energy Production along with Higher Taxes
Governor Walker's wholehearted support for a continued energy production renaissance, energy infrastructure development, and expanded international trade bode well for an Alaskan economic rebound. However, the continued advocacy for income taxes and sales taxes combined with lack of acknowledgement of much-needed operational reforms threatens to negatively counter those pro-growth actions.
HHS Allowing Medicaid Work Requirements Will Help Many State Budgets
Elections have consequences. The old adage is normally invoked by the losing party when the winning party begins to implement policies with which they are unhappy. But it’s a good…
Taxpayers in Every State Bearing Costs of Medicaid Expansion
Was Medicaid expansion a fiscally prudent decision for state governments? As with most sweeping changes, it depends on whom you ask. Medicaid expansion, a part of the Affordable Care Act…
State of the State: Ohio
A renewed focus on reforms-rather than government micromanagement-can ensure the governor’s homestretch is one of continued economic renewal.
ALEC Applauds Confirmation of the Next Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Tom Price, M.D.
Price’s experience in Congress and new position as HHS Secretary will give him broad understanding and authority to repeal the debilitating taxes and subsidies mandated in Obamacare while replacing them with more pro-patient, market-based reforms.
Congress Trades Obamacare for $516 Billion in Tax Savings
The report, which was jointly reviewed by the CBO and staff from the Joint (Congressional) Committee on Taxation, considered the estimated cost of repealing Obamacare would have on both federal revenue and deficit spending, as well as parts of the U.S. economy if put into effect beginning 2018 through 2026. This is the first time a measure for repeal of the ACA will reach the President’s desk since being signed into law March 23, 2010.
Introducing Competition and Choice for Medicaid in North Carolina
On September 23, 2015, Governor Pat McCrory signed into law landmark reform legislation for the North Carolina Medicaid program. The legislation will transition the state from a fee-for-service to a…
Resolution on the Tax and Fiscal Effects of Medicaid Expansion
Resolution WHEREAS, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) permit states to voluntarily opt in to Medicaid expansion, which extends taxpayer-funded health benefits to able-bodied, working-age, largely childless adults earning up to…
Doctor Supply Side Problems With the ACA
Those hoping for the Supreme Court to instruct the federal government to step back amidst increasing involvement in health care were sorely disappointed on June 25 when the SCOTUS delivered…
Supreme Court Sides with Idaho, Blocks Medicaid Lawsuits
On Tuesday, the Supreme Court issued a ruling in Armstrong v. Exceptional Child Center, holding that Medicaid providers cannot sue states to increase reimbursement rates. In a 5-4 decision…
Medicaid Expansion Is the Price to Shift the Balance of Federalism
The debate over Medicaid expansion is as much about federalism and the issue of state control as it is about money-because these are ultimately one in the same.