Tag: Mississippi
Tag: Mississippi
Mississippi Improves 5 Spots in New Rich States, Poor States: Jonathan Williams in Magnolia Tribune
ALEC Chief Economist and Executive Vice President of Policy Jonathan Williams was featured alongside economists Arthur Laffer and Stephen Moore in a Magnolia Tribune article highlighting Mississippi’s jump…
Mississippi Speaker Philip Gunn on Hugh Hewitt Show: No Downside to Letting People Keep More of their Hard Earned Money
Nationally syndicated radio host Hugh Hewitt broadcast live from the ALEC 49th Annual Meeting in Atlanta and highlighted Mississippi’s recently adopted flat tax, eliminating about one-quarter of the state’s personal…
Mississippi State of the State: Improving the Improvements
In his seventh State of the State address on January 9, Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant proclaimed that Mississippi is on the rise and celebrated his administration’s success in achieving…
State of the State: Mississippi
In his sixth State of the State address, Governor Phil Bryant reminded lawmakers their power is derived from the sovereign taxpayers–a subtle reference to the philosophy of John Locke. The address…
Happy Thanksgiving, Taxpayers!
State leaders across the country have advanced pro-growth fiscal reforms that will expand economic opportunity and growth.