Tag: Tax and Fiscal Policy Task Force
Tag: Tax and Fiscal Policy Task Force
No Taxpayer Money for Lobbying or Political Campaigns Act
Section 1. The Legislature finds that citizens are opposed to state agencies using public funds to influence the Legislature to protect themselves and their employees from meaningful reforms. Lobbying by…
Inflation Surges to Record High
Inflation surged 6.8% from a year ago in November, the fastest increase since 1982. The Department of Labor notes that increases in food and energy prices, where prices rose…
Tax and Fiscal Policy Task Force and Center for State Fiscal Reform: Policy Prescriptions to Address Economic and Health Care Challenges in the Face of COVID-19
The Tax and Fiscal Policy Task Force describes policy solutions that can be applied during this COVID-19 crisis. Facilitating Business Rapid Response to State Declared Disaster Act In…
ALEC Southeastern Tax Academy a Big Success
The Center for State Fiscal Reform hosted its latest regional ALEC Academy in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. ALEC was glad to bring the good news of tax reform and pro-growth…
2019: The Year of the Tax Reform
As Chinese New Year approaches – an ancient tradition dating back to 1440 BC by some estimates – the world will bid farewell to the Year of the Dog and…
Evidence is in: States with Market-Driven Policies are Better for Everybody
For Immediate Release Contact: Daniel Reynolds dreynolds@alec.org Evidence is in: States with Market-Driven Policies are Better for Everybody ARLINGTON, VA – (January, 31 2019) The…
Americans Can Be Thankful for Tax Cuts
Since Congress passed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (TCJA), Americans are getting a larger piece of the pie from federal tax cuts and ensuing state tax reforms…
There’s No Better Time for Tax Reform in Virginia than the Present
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 marked the first federal tax reform in more than 30 years. However, Virginia has not made a significant effort to reduce the…
Model State Administrative Tax Tribunal Act
Section 1. Statement of Purpose To increase public confidence in the fairness of the State tax system, the State shall provide an independent agency with tax expertise to resolve disputes…
Resolution in Opposition to a Carbon Tax
WHEREAS, affordable and abundant electricity is a strategic resource that is essential to modern life, America’s economic competitiveness. WHEREAS, the application of a carbon tax to gasoline and other transportation…
Resolution to Reduce the State’s Dependence on Federal Funds
Model Resolution WHEREAS, the Legislature of the state declares that the nation’s fiscal recklessness poses a great, clear, and present threat to America’s future; WHEREAS, David Walker, former Comptroller…
Council on Efficient Government Act
Model Policy Section 1. {Title.} This Act shall be known and may be cited as the Council on Efficient Government Act. Section 2. {Council on Efficient Government; members; terms; vacancies.}…
Public School Financial Transparency Act
Model Policy Section 1. {Title} The Public School Financial Transparency Act Section 2. {Legislative Declaration} (A) The Legislature finds that: (1) Taxpayers…
Resolution in Opposition to Mandatory Unitary Combined Reporting
WHEREAS, many states generally compute taxable income separately for each corporation that has taxable presence or “nexus” in the state (“separate reporting”), thereby ensuring that only income earned in the…
Resolution to Endorse the Recommendations of the 2014 Blue Ribbon Panel on Public Pension Plan Funding
WHEREAS, many states and local government entities are facing significant defined benefit (DB) pension unfunded liabilities. The cumulative deficits computed in today’s dollars are estimated to be between $1T to…
Defined-Contribution Pension Reform Act
Intent Section The Legislature finds that the defined-benefit model of retirement benefits for state and municipal employees is not fiscally sustainable. It is the intent of the Legislature, therefore, to…
The Open Financial Statement Act
Whereas state and local governments are filing their audited financial statements in outmoded PDF formats, Whereas local governments are required to file both audited PDFs and unaudited Annual Financial Reports…
Resolution to Permanently Repeal the Federal Unified Gift and Estate Tax
Model Resolution WHEREAS, the Federal Unified Gift and Estate Tax generates a minimal amount of Federal Revenue especially considering the high cost of collection and compliance; and WHEREAS, this “Death…
Independent Performance Audits Act
Section 1. Short Title. (A) This Act may be cited as the “Independent Performance Audits Act.” Section 2. Definitions. (A) “Government” means an agency, department, office, officer, board, commission, bureau,…
Promoting Transparency in State Unfunded Liabilities
It is clear that citizens are demanding greater transparency in accounting for the costs of state and local government. Given the large and growing unfunded liabilities in pension and other…