Tag: Transportation
Tag: Transportation
Falling Gas Tax Revenues Prompt States to Eye EV Mileage Fees: ALEC in The Washington Times
Jonathan Williams, Chief Economist and Executive Vice President of Policy at ALEC, discusses gas taxes in The Washington Times. Many states say revenues have plummeted due to drivers staying home…
Free Market Principles Should Not End Where the Innovation Track Begins
Innovation always has detractors. Innovation inherently involves risk of failure and change. Change is hard, and generally, the status quo is comfortable. Taking a chance on something new, a product,…
Resolution on Automated Driving System Legislation and Regulation
WHEREAS, automated driving systems remain in the early stages of development, necessitating the establishment of a common definitional taxonomy. WHEREAS, the dynamic driving task refers to the real-time operational and…
Constitutional Amendment Restricting the Use of Vehicle Fees and Taxes for Highway Purposes
All fees collected by the State of {insert state} as license fees for motor vehicles and all excise taxes collected by the State of {insert state} on the sale, distribution…
Utah State of the State: Acting Today with the Future in Mind
Even with the modest changes to property taxes and a possible increase in the gas tax, Utah’s overall pro-business status remains unrivaled. Economic growth and jobs growth over 10 years are 5th highest and 3rd highest, respectively. Perhaps Utah has indeed “become that shining city on a hill for our nation.”
South Dakota State of the State: Mixed Agenda of Pro-Growth Regulatory Reform but Possible Tax Hikes
South Dakota Governor Dennis Daugaard’s 2018 State of the State focused on workforce development, public education, occupational licensing reform, a possible transportation tax increase and support for overturning legal precedent…
Draft Resolution to Restore the Division of Governmental Responsibilities between the National Government and the States
STATE OF [INSERT STATE] Be it resolved by the Legislature of the state of [INSERT STATE]: WHEREAS, the genius of the United States of America lies in the liberty of…
The Federal Government is Starting to Act on Autonomous Vehicle Technologies
The future is bright for autonomous vehicle development in the United States. The Trump administration, through Secretary Elaine Chao and the U.S. Department of Transportation, just announced a new guidance…
State of the State: New Hampshire
Despite the Granite State’s strengths and Sununu’s proposals, there remains work to be done. For example, the top marginal tax rate for corporations is a steep 8.2%; and although New Hampshire doesn’t have a personal income tax or sales tax, it does have the highest property tax burden in the nation. New Hampshire also ranks a lackluster 37th in the nation in terms of burdensome regulations according to the Pacific Research Institute. Furthermore, the recently released ALEC report Unaccountable and Unaffordable 2016 ranks the state’s pension funding level at 43rd nationally. Using a risk-free rate of return of 2.344 percent, New Hampshire’s state pensions are unfunded in excess of $13,000 per capita with a funded ratio of just 28 percent.
State of the Commonwealth: Massachusetts
Overall, however, the state’s steps towards economic competitiveness are yielding results. Governor Baker rightfully recognized this achievement, “We built a bipartisan team, worked in partnership with the legislature and looked for common ground.” Shrinking the state’s budget gap by over $1 billion without tax or fee increases is just one example.
Uber and Lyft: Expanding Demand for Fare-Based Rides in Cities
Uber and Lyft both take business away from traditional taxis and increase overall demand for transportation-type companies. A study by the city of Portland, Oregon, as reported by…
Open and Fair Competition Resolution for Municipal [or Local] Water and Wastewater Projects
Open and Fair Competition Resolution for Municipal [or Local] Water and Wastewater Projects {Title, Enacting clause, etc.} Be it enacted by the [Insert jurisdiction]. Section 1. {Definitions} (A)…
Is the Highway Trust Fund About to Hit a Dead End?
By Steven Johnson The Department of Transportation (DOT) released a report this past Tuesday showing that the Highway Trust Fund will run out of money by this August. The…
Pupil Transportation Cost-Effectiveness Act
Pupil Transportation Cost-Effectiveness Act Summary ALEC’s model Pupil Transportation Cost-Effectiveness Act is designed to reduce school bus expenditures, without reducing quality or safety, by…
Public-Private Partnerships Forge a Path Forward for Infrastructure Investment
America’s roads, bridges and tunnels have a significant impact on our nation’s economic health. According to a recent study by the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), deficiencies in…
Inside ALEC Takes on Taxes
“No government ever voluntarily reduces itself in size. Government programs, once launched, never disappear. Actually, a government bureau is the nearest thing to eternal life we’ll ever see on this…
Uber vs. City Hall
Hailing a taxi is one of the most frustrating experiences in modern city life. Unfortunately, city government seems intent on keeping it that way. Uber, a San Francisco-based company,…
Highway Robbery – Why Power on Transportation Issues Should Be Restored to the States
Envision a mafia-like scheme. The federal government shows up uninvited and says, “Ya gotta keep your highways in good shape, but since we’re lookin’ out for ya, we’re gonna hold…
Share the Road Safety Act
Share the Road Safety Act Section 1. {Title, enacting clause, etc} This act shall be known as the “Share the Road Safety Act”. Section 2. {Legislative Declaration}…