April CEO Update

Rest assured, ALEC will be there, with our shared principles, standing strong for you.

It’s been a wild month here at ALEC, with groups like Greenpeace and Communist Party USA taking shots at our policies and staff. These groups love to make baseless accusations on the off chance some reporter will run with it. It’s unfair, but it comes with the territory. I take heart in the knowledge that we must be doing something right if the communists are coming after us.

Sadly, ALEC isn’t the only one receiving unwarranted attacks. As our friends and allies in Israel continue their campaign to remove the threat of Hamas, they’ve been taking hits from beyond the battlefield. Led by Senate Majority Leader Schumer, there appears to be a growing opposition to Israel’s right to defend her borders and her people – even calling for the removal of Prime Minister Netanyahu in favor of someone who would bow to the terrorist group’s demands. Nonetheless, ALEC continues our support of America’s most important ally in a strategically significant corner of the world. To date, 171 legislators from 42 states have signed on to our letter stating our unwavering commitment to the welfare, security, and survival of Israel while calling on President Biden to increase America’s support for the Jewish State. This is a fight we will proudly continue until their safety is assured.

Over the past few weeks of Women’s History Month, I’ve reflected on the incredible women who make ALEC possible. Everyone from our members to partners and wonderfully dedicated team here at headquarters working tirelessly to spread our 50-plus years of trusted policy solutions. They’re proposing policy, running task forces, leading academies, and traveling the world to teach the lessons of limited government, free markets and federalism. Each playing pivotal roles in consequential arenas – a truly impressive collection of women.

Last month, ALEC National Chair, Kansas Senate President Ty Masterson was the first to sign ALEC’s new letter to Highlight the Benefits of Permanently Extending the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017. Now is the time to amplify the voice of the states and send a clear message to Washington. If Congress fails to act, 23 provisions of the 2017 tax cuts directly relating to individual income taxes, such as the reductions in personal income tax rates, the near doubling of the standard deduction, and the substantial reduction of the hated Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) will expire at the end of 2025. In a matter of days, more than 120 legislators have signed the ALEC letter, and we will continue this push as the 51st ALEC Annual Meeting in Denver approaches.

Looking back on 50 years of success, we are taking the time to renew the promises of our organization. The ALEC mission is about creating the greatest opportunities for Americans to flourish. We empower state leaders who are shaping America’s future. We defend American businesses and bring together public and private perspectives resulting in trusted policy solutions that yield prosperity (see those positive results for yourself in the 17th edition of Rich States, Poor States, coming out this Tuesday). It’s a promise everyone can benefit from as we strive to do our best, be our best, and unashamedly celebrate when we achieve our best. It’s one of the many lessons I’ve taken from my days in the private sector where brand promise and delivery was a must. Where after robust debate we took a position because it was right, not convenient. As I said in our response to that meaningless State of the Union address, only bold leadership will ensure the promise of our nation. It’s been lacking as of late, and the American people are in dire need of that brand of leadership these days.

And that’s our focus here at ALEC: advancing the principles and policies we believe will improve the lives of every American. Our efforts are resonating in the states, on the local level, and even around the world. We accomplish that both here in our office in Arlington, VA  and on the road in Kansas, Florida, Georgia, and beyond. The results are significant. We see them in Alabama through the passage of universal Education Freedom and in Iowa as yet another round of tax cuts are finding their way through the state legislature. Inspired by ALEC principles, following ALEC model policy, and bringing us ever closer to that fabled city on a hill.

There will always be bullies and naysayers pushing to restrict our rights, control our activities, and cede more power to an unaccountable federal government. Those who lack conviction will bend to the pressure of being canceled, intimidated, or demonized in the press. It is fear that allows them to abandon their beliefs and with it their potential for true prosperity. But for those who believe, who embrace their entrepreneurial spirit and push forward with free market abandon, their destinies are secured for success. Rest assured, ALEC will be there, with our shared principles, standing strong for you.