
How States Can Shape Obamacare’s Replacement

As Republicans prepare to hammer out the details of a replacement for Obamacare, governors and state insurance commissioners are asking for a seat at the table.

Under the Affordable Care Act, much of the regulatory framework that in the past fell to states and their respective insurance commissioners was transferred to the federal government, which created blanket mandates for both consumers and insurers.

But as Republicans have begun discussions of repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act—with action coming as early as January—states and their executive branches have the opportunity to help map out the future health insurance market.

“There’s going to be the opportunity to say we can actually start from scratch, but we’ve been in the mode of trying to work within the parameters of the immense amount of regulation under the Affordable Care Act that it’s difficult to switch gears and think about things in a whole new light,” Mia Heck, director of the health and human services task force at the American Legislative Exchange Council, or ALEC, told The Daily Signal.

Read more at Daily Signal…

Quinn, Melissa. (2016, Dec. 08). How States Can Shape Obamacare’s Replacement. Retrieved from

In Depth: Health

There has never been a time when both federal and state jurisdictions have been more in control of American’s healthcare than it is today. Implementation of the Affordable Care Act is well in motion, and each state has considered how to address provisions of the federal law as it has…

+ Health In Depth