July CEO Update
As the nation’s leading free market, individual freedom-focused organization of state legislators, we have no choice but to stay ahead of the curve.
Ever since our 50th Anniversary celebration last year, I’ve been thinking about where ALEC has been and where we’re going; our mission, our drive, our purpose. It all boils down to this…
All Americans deserve an efficient, effective, and accountable government that puts the people in control. ALEC equips and empowers today’s state leaders to shape America’s future through our unwavering commitment to limited government, free markets, and federalism.
In this chaotic world full of opinions, legislators rely on and seek out our cutting-edge research and collaborative model policy development as a voice of reason. As a forum, our members in both the private and public sectors come together to exchange innovative ideas and develop real solutions for the business and economic issues facing the states to help all Americans flourish.
For more than 50 years, our members have counted on us to deliver trusted policy solutions that profoundly impact everyday life.
The evolution of ALEC branding
With that foundational message, created specifically for this moment, I am proud to announce the launch of our newly refreshed brand that will be implemented this Wednesday, July 10, marking a significant milestone in our ongoing evolution and commitment to excellence. With a renewed focus on collaboration and trusted policy solutions, ALEC is poised to continue empowering states and shaping America’s future.
New ALEC logo, starting July 10
With the updated logo and colors above, you’ll notice that some changes are more significant than others. Those changes in our brand will appear in ALEC publications, images, task force logos, layouts, and more. We hope that you’ll be just as excited as we are, remembering that our commitment to the pillars of strength depicted in our new brand – limited government, free markets, and federalism – will never change.
This announcement couldn’t have come at a better time. On the heels of our Independence Day celebrations with the 51st ALEC Annual Meeting right around the corner, what better reminder could we have of why ALEC was created in the first place? To devise better solutions. To check the madness of what we’re seeing every day. To provide a foundation for a better America that reinforces what our nation’s founders were trying to achieve – a country where every man, woman, and child has the tools necessary to make the most out their life, their liberty, and their individual pursuit of happiness.
Hearing those words, even writing those words, I’m reminded of the struggle our forefathers experienced during our nation’s infancy. Fighting against insurmountable odds. Sacrificing everything – blood, family, treasure. Everyone aligned in voice for one goal. To fight until freedom, however fleeting, was achieved in 1776. Thirty-eight years later, as Francis Scott Key stood upon the deck of the HMS Surprise in Baltimore Harbor and saw our flag was still there, the fight continued. And it continues today.
But it’s moments like that; in Baltimore Harbor, on Bunker Hill, on the beaches of Normandy, that secured our freedom, that fill us with pride whenever the band begins, the flags wave, and a chorus of “Oh say, can you see” rises from the crowd. Those are the moments we fight for.
In June, we carried the ALEC flag to Indianapolis, Philadelphia, Omaha, and Cincinnati, as we continued our 2024 ALEC Legislator Academy Series. Over the course of these four events, we were joined by nearly 80 legislators from dozens of states to discuss our trusted policy solutions on regulatory reform, education freedom, economic growth, criminal justice, and more.
Though our battles are far from the ones our warriors bled for, they are still vital to the success of our nation. Last month marked another triumph, as Louisiana – one of our 25 by ’25 target states – became the 12th state with universal education freedom for our children. As I wrote in my Delaware Valley Journal op-ed last week, our two-day academy in Philadelphia showcased that this nationwide education freedom revolution isn’t limited by party affiliation or politics. The voices of parents are driving the seismic shift in the education landscape.
We hope to see all of you at our Annual Meeting later this month in Denver. From July 24th to July 26th, we’ll welcome old friends, make new ones, and share the secrets behind creating a safer, more prosperous America. With workshops, seminars, and a record 80 draft model policies to consider, the one thing I can guarantee is you won’t be bored.
Our task forces will be developing new policy solutions on housing affordability, energy reliability, artificial intelligence, healthcare, education freedom, and more. You’ll learn from experts on the reversal of Chevron and what it means for your state and how the looming expiration of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 could impact every American’s paycheck.
And if the spirit of the high desert and mountain west takes hold during your time in the Mile High City, you can always stick around to enjoy the trails of Rocky Mountain National Park, the beauty of Steamboat Springs, or the ancient wonders of Mesa Verde.
Halfway through the year and once again we find ourselves at a crossroads. Not only as a nation with our general elections fast approaching, but as individuals finding our way. For some it’s a time to stay put, hunker down, and enjoy what life has provided. But we don’t have that luxury.
As the nation’s leading free market, individual freedom-focused organization of state legislators, we have no choice but to stay ahead of the curve. To keep growing, expanding, and push into every day, month, and year with unbridled enthusiasm. To find tomorrow’s leaders, tomorrow’s solutions, so that the America of tomorrow will be the America we deserve. We hope to discover more of those leaders and solutions in Denver.
We’ll see you there.