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Louisiana’s Competitive Neighborhood Problem: Jonathan Williams on the Moon Griffon Radio Show

The Southeast isn't just a great football powerhouse region, it is a great economic powerhouse region.

ALEC Executive Vice President of Policy and Chief Economist Jonathan Williams spoke with host Moon Griffon of Talk 107.3 FM in Louisiana while attending the Solutions Summit 2023 hosted by the Pelican Institute. Williams talked about how Louisiana can better compete with neighboring states.

We’ve seen 22 states now cutting tax rates, because they know that’s one of the things that’s most important to get small businesses and individuals to your state.

The big one is the income tax.  Louisiana has relatively low income tax rates, but people in Texas, Tennessee and Florida, they have zero income tax.  Louisiana can’t compete with  its 3% personal income tax rate.  Mississippi cut their tax rate to 4% this last session. Alabama is looking to cut taxes. Arkansas, under Sarah Huckabee Sanders is looking to cut taxes, as well. Louisiana has a competitive neighborhood problem. The Southeast isn’t just a great football powerhouse region, it is a great economic powerhouse region.