Articles (page 139)
North Carolina picks prosperity through pro-growth tax reform
Both houses of the North Carolina legislature are currently considering competing bills that lower taxes by $1 billion or more…
Federal Court to Hear Oklahoma Attorney General’s Challenge to IRS Health Rule
With Internal Revenue Service (IRS) controversies continuing to make headlines, the agency faces a lesser known, but critical test in…
White House Report Shows U.S. Making Real Broadband Progress
By Jon Anzur The past four years marked a period of growth in the digital economy and broadband infrastructure, access,…
Constitutionality of Renewable Energy Mandates in Question
With a potentially striking blow to renewable mandate advocates, a recent federal court ruling calls into question the constitutionality…
Congress Turns Its Attention to the State Wireless Tax Burden
What do the National Governors Association, the National Conference of State Legislatures, the National Black Caucus of State Legislators and…
Nevada Expands Volunteer Care Opportunities; Missouri Awaits Governor’s Signature
Underinsured and unable to afford their deductible, Marty Tankersley and his family drove 200 miles to receive care at…
Nevada Becomes the 5th Western State to Explore the Transfer of Public Lands
On June 4, 2013, Governor Brian Sandoval signed into law AB227—“Nevada Land Management Implementation Committee”—making Nevada the fifth western…
GASB’s Ineffective Public Pension Reporting Standards Set to Take Effect
Public pension plans across the United States face a remarkable funding crisis. A study by economist Andrew Biggs and published by State Budget Solutions found that the average public pension plan was just 41 percent funded.
Rich States, Poor States on Wall Street Journal Live
This week, Rich States, Poor States co-author, and member of the Wall Street Journal editorial board, Stephen Moore recorded a…
U.S. Broadband Success: the Proof is in the Piping
Last week, the New York Times published an article quoting Professor Susan Crawford claiming that “monopolists who resist innovation”…
European Lessons on Renewable Energy Subsidies
Considering how important and ubiquitous energy is for virtually all of life’s activities, it should come as no surprise that…
New Report: Health Insurers Predict Sharp Increase in Premiums
When the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) became law, supporters claimed it would lower costs for families…
6th Edition of Rich States, Poor States Shows Continued Success of States Embracing Low Taxes, Free Markets and Limited Government
State policymakers looking for lessons and best practices to boost their state’s income and job growth have a new tool…
New Study Shows U.S. Legal System is a Competitive Liability
As international commerce penetrates every corner of the world, the United States and each of her fifty states must continue…
Protecting Intellectual Property Rights is Vital to the Innovation Economy
I wholeheartedly agree with colleague Alex Rued’s insights in her post Innovation Economy Helps U.S. Reclaim Reputation as an…
A La Carte Video Requirement Not Necessary in a Vibrant Market
If I told you the government was considering a policy change that would essentially require USA Today to sell you the…
Innovation Economy Helps U.S. Reclaim Reputation as an Investment Hotspot
Years ago, investment guru Antoine van Agtmael coined the term “emerging markets” to describe developing countries with investment potential. Today,…
In Honor of Armed Forces Day: A “Helmets to Hardhats” Remedy to an Unemployment Challenge
By The Honorable William (Bill) Payne, NM (SD-20) Senator Payne is the NM Minority Whip and ALEC’s…
“Grading Places” Fails to Pass as Credible Research
Professor Peter Fisher of the left-wing advocacy group, “Good Jobs First” (GJF), republished his critique on state business climate indices…
Freeing Health Professionals to Provide Free Care
It should be no surprise that dedicated health care professionals across the country devote countless hours to serving patients, and,…