
Articles (page 142)

  • Budget Gimmicks Used by States image

    Budget Gimmicks Used by States

    According to the Encyclopedia of Mental Disorders, "denial" is "the refusal to acknowledge the existence or severity of unpleasant external relations." Many states are ignoring the requirement to have a balance budget and thereby denying the reality that deep and permanent reductions are needed in the size and scope of government.

  • Taxes matter more than sunshine image

    Taxes matter more than sunshine

    A recent study from the left-wing Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP) concludes that taxes do not motivate people…

  • Analysis of Total State Debt Shows Alaska, New Jersey, and Hawaii Among States in Worst Fiscal Situations image

    Analysis of Total State Debt Shows Alaska, New Jersey, and Hawaii Among States in Worst Fiscal Situations

    State Budget Solutions' (SBS) latest study reveals total state debt averages $13,754 for every American and $38,721 for each of the private sector workers in this country.

  • Report Reveals Aggregate State Debt Exceeds $4 Trillion image

    Report Reveals Aggregate State Debt Exceeds $4 Trillion

    State Budget Solutions' (SBS) second annual state deficit report reveals aggregate state debt presently exceeds $4 trillion.

  • The Difficulty of Accessing Clear State Budget Data image

    The Difficulty of Accessing Clear State Budget Data

    One of the largest obstacles to covering state budget issues is often state government itself. Accessing simple budget data such as revenue and expenditure totals can create a headache harsh enough to discourage even the most determined citizen activist.

  • Doesn’t the Government Know There Is Competition and Innovation in Wireless? image

    Doesn’t the Government Know There Is Competition and Innovation in Wireless?

    Strange as it may sound, the Pentagon City Mall in Arlington, Virginia is a perfect microcosm of the U.S. wireless…

  • How States Should Prepare for Federal Budget Cuts image

    How States Should Prepare for Federal Budget Cuts

    States face the potential loss of federal funds that may come when the 12-member Congressional "super committee" makes its recommendations for cutting $1.5 trillion from the federal deficit.

  • States Target Internet and Telecom for Exorbitant Taxes image

    States Target Internet and Telecom for Exorbitant Taxes

    State governments are starving for more money to pay for their broken budgets. To feed the budgetary beast, state governments…

  • States of Denial image

    States of Denial

    Millions of Americans are using common sense to make difficult choices about their family budgets. Unfortunately, that same common sense approach is in short supply in state capitals as legislators and governors ignore financial reality and avoid facing tough choices about their state's budget.

  • Why State Budgets are Broken image

    Why State Budgets are Broken

    The state budget processes in the 50 states are broken. Governors, state legislators, journalists, and political pundits all know that the process is broken.