Archives: In the News / Articles
Archives: In the News / Articles (page 5)
Alabama’s Hospital Crisis and The Medicaid Expansion Mirage: Brooklyn Roberts & Rep. Arnold Mooney in Yellowhammer News
Brooklyn Roberts, senior director of the Health and Human Services Task Force co-authored an op-ed with State Representative Arnold Mooney in…
Past The Tipping Point: Lee Schalk in The Washington Times
Lee Schalk, ALEC Vice President of Policy, was quoted in a Washington Times article on the impact of inflation on restaurants and the pandemic-era…
Medicaid Expansion Won’t Save Mississippi’s Rural Hospitals: Brooklyn Roberts in Magnolia Tribune
Brooklyn Roberts, senior director of the Health and Human Services Task Force authored an op-ed in The Magnolia Tribune explaining why Medicaid…
A Dirty Problem With An Expensive Solution: Jonathan Williams in World Magazine
Jonathan Williams, ALEC Executive Vice President of Policy and Chief Economist, was quoted in World Magazine on the mismanagement of federal funds for water…
With the Right Approach, Virginia Can Lead a Tech Revolution: Jake Morabito in The Virginian-Pilot
Jake Morabito, ALEC’s Communications and Technology Task Force Director, recently authored an op-ed in The Virginian-Pilot analyzing the latest legislative debates on AI and lauding…
Medicaid Expansion Consuming State Budgets: Jonathan Williams on the Tim Jones & Chris Arps Show
Jonathan Williams, ALEC Chief Economist and Executive VP of Policy, joined The Tim Jones and Chris Arps Show on NewsTalk STL speaking on fiscal implications of Medicaid…
Five Key Factors Will Influence 2024 Election Outcome: Jonathan Williams in The Detroit News
ALEC EVP of Policy and Chief Economist Jonathan Williams recently co-authored an op-ed with Dr. Timothy Nash in The Detroit News on the key policies…
What a Tricky Economic Cycle Means for State Budgets: Jonathan Williams in Governing
Jonathan Williams, ALEC Executive Vice President of Policy and Chief Economist, was quoted in a Governing piece discussing the critical decisions lawmakers have to make…
Transparency Bills Seek to Reveal the True Costs of College: Andrew Handel in Stateline
Andrew Handel, ALEC Education and Workforce Development Task Force Director, was featured in a Stateline news article on the costs of…
Education Freedom and Right-To-Work: Jonathan WIlliams on Moore Money
ALEC EVP of Policy & Chief Economist Jonathan Williams joined economist Stephen Moore and National Review columnist John Fund to discuss Michigan’s…
Keeping The Tax Cuts & Jobs Act From Expiration: Jonathan Williams on American Radio Journal
In his latest American Radio Journal commentary, ALEC Executive Vice President of Policy and Chief Economist Jonathan Williams warned of the threat to economic opportunity if the Tax…
Using Preemptions To Rein In Government Overreach: Lee Schalk in USA Today Florida
Lee Schalk, ALEC Vice President of Policy, was quoted in a USA Today Florida affiliate article on state preemptions of local authority in Florida.
The Reality of Bidenomics and Oregon’s Declining Competitiveness: Jonathan Williams on iSpy Radio
Jonathan Williams, ALEC Executive Vice President of Policy and Chief Economist, was featured on iSpy Radio to discuss recent Bureau of Labor Statistics’ (BLS)…
Underfunded Retirement Plans at the State Level: Nick Stark on Voice of Reason
Nick Stark, ALEC Tax and Fiscal Policy Task Force Director, was interviewed by Andy Hooser of Voice of Reason discussing states’ retirement plans, rankings…
The FCC, AI Deepfakes, and Robocalls: Jake Morabito on NewsNation
Jake Morabito, ALEC Communications & Technology Task Force Director, was interviewed by Natasha Zouves of NewsNation on the proper policy response…
California Should Welcome Licensed Workers, Not Make Them Deal With Unnecessary Hurdles: Gretchen Baldau in The Orange County Register
Gretchen Baldau, ALEC Commerce, Insurance and Economic Development Task Force Senior Director, was featured in The Orange County Register, explaining how Sacramento can begin…
Arizona Tax Cuts and School Choice Didn’t Create the Budget Deficit: Jonathan Williams on American Radio Journal
In his latest American Radio Journal commentary, ALEC Executive Vice President of Policy and Chief Economist Jonathan Williams highlights the real reason for Arizona’s state budget deficit. Arizona…
Population Shifts Continue to Favor Low Tax States: Jonathan Williams on American Radio Journal
In his latest American Radio Journal commentary, ALEC Executive Vice President of Policy and Chief Economist Jonathan Williams highlights how population shifts continue to favor low…
Wage Gains, Tax Cuts, and the Education Freedom Alliance: Jonathan Williams on the Tim Jones & Chris Arps Show
Jonathan Williams, ALEC Chief Economist and Executive VP of Policy, joined The Tim Jones and Chris Arps Show on NewsTalk STL speaking on wage gains, his Daily…
How Lawmakers Are Addressing Deepfakes Like the Ones That Victimized Taylor Swift: Jake Morabito in The Associated Press
Jake Morabito, ALEC Communications and Technology Task Force Director, was quoted in a piece by The Associated Press on how lawmakers should respond to…