Archives: Regulatory Reform / Articles
Archives: Regulatory Reform / Articles (page 14)
Fair Business Competition Requires a Neutral, Consumption-Based Tax System
Recently we had the opportunity to attend a meeting hosted by the Business Coalition for Fair Competition. The meeting was largely a listening session as entrepreneurs and small business…
The Energy Link: Energy Producing States and Unemployment
With millions of families across the country still struggling to recover from the Great Recession, a deeper look at how some states fared through recessions versus less fortunate states may…
EPA’s Assault on State Sovereignty Part II
Obama’s recently released climate change initiative calls for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to unleash yet another energy regulation aimed at reducing greenhouse gases from existing power plants, severely…
The EPA’s Assault on State Sovereignty Part I
Well timed with the President’s climate change agenda announcement, the American Legislative Exchange Council just released a report which sheds light on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) ongoing usurpation…
Federal Court to Hear Oklahoma Attorney General’s Challenge to IRS Health Rule
With Internal Revenue Service (IRS) controversies continuing to make headlines, the agency faces a lesser known, but critical test in the days to come. On Thursday, the U.S. District…
Constitutionality of Renewable Energy Mandates in Question
With a potentially striking blow to renewable mandate advocates, a recent federal court ruling calls into question the constitutionality of key components of many states’ renewable energy mandates. On…
Nevada Becomes the 5th Western State to Explore the Transfer of Public Lands
On June 4, 2013, Governor Brian Sandoval signed into law AB227—“Nevada Land Management Implementation Committee”—making Nevada the fifth western state to actively explore the transfer of public lands to…
U.S. Broadband Success: the Proof is in the Piping
Last week, the New York Times published an article quoting Professor Susan Crawford claiming that “monopolists who resist innovation” currently dominate the broadband space. That same day, the FCC…
European Lessons on Renewable Energy Subsidies
Considering how important and ubiquitous energy is for virtually all of life’s activities, it should come as no surprise that energy policy often dominates the agendas in legislative chambers in…
New Report: Health Insurers Predict Sharp Increase in Premiums
When the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) became law, supporters claimed it would lower costs for families and businesses. Over three years later, evidence to the…
A La Carte Video Requirement Not Necessary in a Vibrant Market
If I told you the government was considering a policy change that would essentially require USA Today to sell you the sports and entertainment sections separately from the news section instead…
Innovation Economy Helps U.S. Reclaim Reputation as an Investment Hotspot
Years ago, investment guru Antoine van Agtmael coined the term “emerging markets” to describe developing countries with investment potential. Today, Mr. van Agtmael uses the term to describe the United…
Freeing Health Professionals to Provide Free Care
It should be no surprise that dedicated health care professionals across the country devote countless hours to serving patients, and, in many cases, do so free of charge or regardless…
Freedom Not Force in the North Carolina Renewable Energy Debate
Imagine checking out at your local grocery store and being told that, due to a recently imposed government mandate, you must make sure at least 12.5 percent of your groceries…
It’s Time to Release Taxpayer-Funded Private Interests
By Tessa Cramer, Policy Intern It’s always easier to spend someone else’s money. Unfortunately, this happens all too often when taxpayers are footing the bill. Currently, government employees are being…
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities: Long on Opinion, Short on Research
The Left-wing Center for Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP) is out with a new essay attacking the economic basis for low tax, free-market, limited government policy proposals like those laid out in …
Calling for Excessive Cell Phone Taxes? Please Press One
By Michael Lambert If you’re subscribing to a cell phone in Washington State, you might want to consider becoming an Oregonian, where lower cell phone taxes are markedly cheaper. According…
Electronic Health Records and the Cost of Health Care: What Happened?
The prestigious RAND Corporation predicted in 2005 that widespread use of electronic records could save the United States health care system more than $81 billion a year. The White…
ALEC to States: Repeal Renewable Energy Mandates
ALEC adopts Electricity Freedom Act and discusses it on Master Resource (a free-market energy blog). “As the debate over subsidies, handouts, and cronyism for renewable energy continues, so too…
Hired With a Silver Spoon?
At a time when states are tightening their budgets and looking everywhere to find savings, one area has been largely overlooked. A new study released by Citizens Against Government…