Model Policies

Model Policies (page 49)

  • Virtual Public Schools Act image

    Virtual Public Schools Act

    The Virtual Public Schools Act Declaration. (A) The General Assembly hereby finds and declares that: (1) Meeting the educational needs of children in our state’s schools…

  • Ombudsman Act image

    Ombudsman Act

    Model Policy Section 1.  {Short title}  This Act may be referred to as the Ombudsman Act. Section 2.  {Definitions}  The following words, in this Act, have the meaning set forth…

  • Business Activities Tax Simplification Act image

    Business Activities Tax Simplification Act

    Model Legislation {Title, enacting clause, etc.} Section 1. {Short Title} This Act may be cited as the “Business Activity Tax Simplification Act.” Section 2. {Application of Public Law 86-272} (A)…

  • State Data Quality Act image

    State Data Quality Act

    AN ACT to ensure and maximize the quality, objectivity, utility, and integrity of information disseminated by state agencies to the public, and to the federal government in…

  • State Regulatory Responsibility Act image

    State Regulatory Responsibility Act

    State Regulatory Responsibility Act Summary Quite often federal agencies under the guise of “policy” or “guidance” and without any specific statutory authority or regulation,…

  • Non-Potable Groundwater Use Act image

    Non-Potable Groundwater Use Act

    Non-Potable Groundwater Use Act PURPOSE :  The purpose of this act is to remediate contaminated water that is not usable as drinking water and make it available for…

  • National Teacher Certification Fairness Act image

    National Teacher Certification Fairness Act

    Model Legislation Section 1. {Short Title.} The National Teacher Certification Fairness Act. Section 2. {Open Competition.} Wherever possible in appropriate state statute, the following language change shall be made: (A)…

  • Drunk Driving Prevention Act image

    Drunk Driving Prevention Act

    Model Policy Section 1. {Short title} This Act may be cited as the Drunk Driving Prevention Act. Section 2. {Legislative Declaration} The purpose of this act is to reduce the…

  • School Board Freedom to Contract Act image

    School Board Freedom to Contract Act

    The School Board Freedom to Contract Act Summary The School Board Freedom to Contract Act encourages the establishment of public/private partnerships…

  • Pollution Prevention Act image

    Pollution Prevention Act

    Model Policy {Title, enacting clause, etc.} Section 1. {Short title.} This act may be cited as the Pollution Prevention Act. Section 2. {Legislative findings and declarations.} The legislature finds and…

  • Treatment Center Accountability Act image

    Treatment Center Accountability Act

    Treatment Center Accountability Act Summary This Act would require public treatment centers to track participants in their programs for at least one year to assess whether they are staying…

  • Elimination of Double Recoveries Act image

    Elimination of Double Recoveries Act

    Summary  ALEC’s model Elimination of Double Recoveries Act allows the admission into evidence of proof of collateral source payments made or likely to be made as compensation for…