Tag: Regulation
Tag: Regulation
Domestic Migration Trends & Census Statistics: Jonathan Williams on American Radio Journal
In our grand American experiment of federalism: the 50 states continue to function as our laboratories of democracy, each pursuing different policy paths that affect the economic…
Can State Courts Exercise Jurisdiction Over Online Marketplaces or Individual Sellers?
A recent Supreme Court case could have a significant impact for online marketplaces and the individual sellers who rely on them. The case, entitled Ford Motor Co. v. Montana…
How America’s Administrative State Undermines the Constitution
In 1887, future president Woodrow Wilson authored “The Study of Administration,” an article which would later earn him the nickname “father of public administration.” In this misguided call to…
Occupational Licensing Defense Act
{Title, enacting clause, etc.} Section 1. {Purpose} This Act’s purpose is to: (A) Ensure that an individual may pursue a lawful occupation free from unnecessary occupational regulations, and (B) Protect…
Natural Hair Braiding Protection Act
Section 1. {Purpose} Natural hair braiding is a traditional practice that is safe. It presents no significant health and safety risks to customers or practitioners. This state should protect liberty. It…
What Do Last Week’s Midterms Mean for the Tech Sector?
Last week’s midterm elections may loom large for technology policy. Since the Democratic Party achieved a majority in the United States House of Representatives, they may hold hearings and propose…
Resolution Supporting Innovative Technologies to Strengthen States and Local Communities by Enabling Statewide Use of Distributed Ledger Technology
WHEREAS, the Legislature believes it is in the best interest of [the state] to authorize corporations, the state of [state] and local municipalities to use electronic networks or databases for…
Resolution on Country of Origin Labeling
Resolution on Country of Origin Labeling Whereas, Free markets are one of ALEC’s core guiding principles and we have much model policy that supports the enhancement of free…
Regulatory Compliance Congruity with Liability Act
Regulatory Compliance Congruity with Liability Act Summary State legislatures and Congress have charged certain government agencies with ensuring that products are…
Resolution on Automated Driving System Legislation and Regulation
WHEREAS, automated driving systems remain in the early stages of development, necessitating the establishment of a common definitional taxonomy. WHEREAS, the dynamic driving task refers to the real-time operational and…
Resolution Opposing Government Involvement in Commercial Negotiations
Resolution Opposing Government Involvement in Commercial Negotiations WHEREAS, it is the mission of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) to advance the Jeffersonian principles of free markets, limited government, federalism and…
Advanced Voice Services Availability Act of 2007
Advanced Voice Services Availability Act of 2007 Summary The purpose of this legislation is to promote the availability of competitive advanced voice services, such as Voice over Internet Protocol…
Lessons from GDPR: Regulations Harm Consumers by Reducing Options
Government attitudes toward technology are changing. A number of legislators, from both the right and left, want to find ways to regulate the sector. This is especially true regarding online…
New Hampshire State of the State Address
One of the youngest governors in the nation, Governor Chris Sununu, recently delivered his second State of the State address. He focused on New Hampshire’s unique strengths and commented,…
Missouri State of the State: Government Should “Do Fewer Things and Do Them Better.”
The Show-Me State’s 2018 legislative session is off to an exciting start, as Eric Greitens begins his second year as Missouri governor. His inaugural session in office focused heavily on…
Nebraska State of the State: Tax Reform on the Horizon
Last year, Nebraska Governor Pete Ricketts (R.) received the American Legislative Exchange Council annual “Best of the Best” award for his bold, pro-growth oriented State of the…
Vehicle Platooning for Safety and Efficiency Act
Section 1. (Legislative Declarations) Subdivision 1. A vehicle platooning system electronically coordinates the speed between a lead vehicle and one or more follow vehicles, enabling them to travel safely in…
An Act to Establish a Cap on Government Red Tape
Purpose The purpose of this policy is to cap the total number of regulatory requirements enacted by this state. As new regulatory requirements become necessary, they are added with ease…
Resolution Opposing Regulation through Litigation
WHEREAS, Congress and the Administration are reducing overregulation that hampers economic growth, deters innovation, and places unnecessary burdens on individuals and businesses. WHEREAS, past experience shows that when some judges…
The EPA’s Assault on Sheboygan County
In July, the Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty (WILL) Center for Competitive Federalism released a powerful policy brief and short documentary video that exposed the EPA’s assault…