Tag: 2014 SNPS
Tag: 2014 SNPS
Model State Administrative Tax Tribunal Act
Section 1. Statement of Purpose To increase public confidence in the fairness of the State tax system, the State shall provide an independent agency with tax expertise to resolve disputes…
Resolution to Endorse the Recommendations of the 2014 Blue Ribbon Panel on Public Pension Plan Funding
WHEREAS, many states and local government entities are facing significant defined benefit (DB) pension unfunded liabilities. The cumulative deficits computed in today’s dollars are estimated to be between $1T to…
Resolution Opposing International Taxation Initiatives
WHEREAS, federal officials have been coordinating with other nations for the purpose of creating worldwide tax enforcement; and WHEREAS, UN officials have proposed a wide ranging Financial Transactions Tax (Tobin…
Resolution in Opposition to Discriminatory Food and Beverage Taxes
WHEREAS this global recession has spread economic stress across all income levels, with lower and middle-income Americans especially hard hit; WHEREAS a frugal lifestyle and stretching the daily living expenses…
Establishing an American Legislative Exchange Council Democracy and Governance Program
Establishing an American Legislative Exchange Council Democracy and Governance Program WHEREAS, the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) was established to advance the Jeffersonian principles of free markets, limited government,…
Public Policy Statement on Transfer of Public Lands
Juvenile Justice Act
Model Policy I. Definitions Section 1. {Definitions.} (A) “Agency” means the Department of Juvenile Justice or the state agency responsible for the care, control and custody…
Open and Fair Competition Resolution for Municipal [or Local] Water and Wastewater Projects
Open and Fair Competition Resolution for Municipal [or Local] Water and Wastewater Projects {Title, Enacting clause, etc.} Be it enacted by the [Insert jurisdiction]. Section 1. {Definitions} (A)…
Criminal Records Confidentiality Act
Model Policy {Title, enacting clause, etc.} Section 1. {Legislative Intent.} It is the intent of the legislature that, to the extent practicable, the [insert state] hold confidential records of criminal…
Resolution Urging the European Union to Remove Its Ban on the Sale of Smokeless Tobacco
Resolution Urging the European Union to Remove Its Ban on the Sale of Smokeless Tobacco Whereas, Sweden is a member of the EU; and Whereas, the Four Freedoms: free…
Property Insurance Claims Act
Model Policy Section 1. {Title, enacting clause, etc.} This Act shall be known as the Property Insurance Claims Act. Section 2. {Applicability.} This Act applies to…
Local Right to Work Ordinance
Local Right to Work Ordinance Summary American City County Exchange’s model Local Right to Work Ordinance provides that no employee need join or pay dues to a union,…
Resolution in Support of Lifting Federal Restrictions on Crude Oil Exports
Resolution in Support of Lifting Federal Restrictions on Crude Oil Exports WHEREAS, in response to the 1973 oil crisis, Congress passed the Energy Policy and Conservation Act of…
Resolution to Promote Public Safety through Just and Reasonable Prison Phone Rates
Model Resolution WHEREAS, over 1.3 million people are currently in state prisons in the United States and approximately 568,000 were released in 2013;[1] WHEREAS, research has shown that maintaining…
ALEC Environmental Management and Protection Principles
Mission: To promote a healthy environmental legacy, preserving wildlife habitat, providing natural beauty and creating opportunities for hiking, hunting, fishing and enjoying natural resources. Across the country, America’s natural beauty…
Resolution to Support Trademark Protections
Resolution to Support Trademark Protections WHEREAS, trademarks are valuable assets to business; and WHEREAS, the American people and our economy are deeply impacted by trademarks because they represent…
Model Policies SNPS 2014
In December 2014, ALEC members met in Washington D.C. to discuss and debate new model policies. Below is a full list of newly adopted or amended policies from the 2014…